We have extension currently under review, and we got a response:
“This version contains binary, obfuscated or minified code. We need to review all of your source code in order to approve it.”
“If sources have not been provided within 7 days, this version will be rejected and removed from our queues.”
I uploaded all the binary code sources, and the extension with out minified code, before the 7 days deadline has passed.
Is there a way to know if the reviewer got notice about it, and an estimated time frame for such review?
We are concerned by the fact that in Firefox 40 a “notice” shall appear next to extensions not approved yet, and Firefox 40 supposed to be launch at August 11th (just around the corner for us…)
We sent our extension for side-loading extensions review process as soon as it was available, and we don’t want our extension to be labeled like this…