Hungary, Mauritius, North America :SuMo Sprint Roundup (Day 4)

Support Sprint By the Numbers
Number of events registered: 46
Number of replies moderated: 302
Number of replies in moderation: 925

Thank you for joining us on this mission to help Firefox win on Android! By supporting users in your language you’re helping to advance Mozilla’s mission and the web.

Since we are in the mid way of our #SupportSprint here are some numbers from languages with the most replies:

As you can see we still need need a lot of moderation in English, French and Italian so go here and start moderating.

Here are some more local ways for you to get involved:

North America Support Sprint – June 2nd-9th, Online & North America

North American Mozillians unite! This event by Andrew Truong and Noah Y. is running virtual sprints throughout the week to answer and moderate questions. They’ll be sending updates throughout the week through chat and email. Sign up here!

Firefox Support Sprint Hungary – June 2nd-9th , Online & Hungary

Livia Takacs is running an ongoing sprint in the local Mozilla Hungary Community Space. Get in touch to find out how to participate!

Firefox Sprint Mauritius – June 2nd-9th , Online & Mauritius

Participate in a combination of online and offline events with Community Coach - Sandraghassen Subbaraya Pillai in Mauritius. Read more about the event here.

Our Favourite #SupportSprint Tweets Today: