[IMPORTANT] Council Elections Spring 2018 - Results and next steps

Hi lovely Reps!

As you received few days ago in your mail - the results are in! Check them here.

I am super happy to welcome to the council body the following reps:

I do want to congratulate all candidates and to encourage those who did not make it this time them to pursue their ideas, plans and enthusiasm they put in their Q&A Answers for Reps Program. For sure they will find support int he council and from peers!

As for next steps, the new council members will start the onboarding process. More details here: https://wiki.mozilla.org/ReMo/SOPs/Council_onboarding

For any feedback, questions or clarifications about Elections don’t hesitate to write to the peers: reps-peers@mozilla.com

Have a great day or a resting night ( depending where you find yourself in this world) !

From the council and peers,


Happy to have you in the Council @Mte90 @Mermi @irvin @edovio and @mudongo_oarabile :smiley:

Really looking forward to sync and start important strategic conversations about what the Council is leading and supporting around the organization.


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Congratulations to all!!

QA Mozilla Hispano Team Responsible


Congratulations to all new council members :slight_smile:

Congratulations to all for stepping up to this substantial responsibility – I am confident that you will serve the Mozilla community with honour :slight_smile: