Hi. I have a Rpi3b, on which i already run Home Assistant and DSMR. I thought i would also try install WebThings on the Rpi3.
I’ve followed https://github.com/mozilla-iot/gateway . But at the end, when i try to access the server from a client (from my laptop), i can’t find the server. I’ve tried ip-address:8080, <…:4443:>, tried editting default.js and change the port to 8280 to see whether something else was in way.
I’ve run npm run debug: at some point, the lines on the console turn from black to grey, and it seems to stop at “Finished updating add-ons”… I did a “netstat -l” on the Rpi, where i do recognize Home Assistant and DSRM, but don’t see something that could be WebThings.
When you run the gateway from a self-install it typically runs webpack which can take a few minutes before the gateway starts listening on the TCP port.
If your ps shows webpack, then the gateway isn’t listening yet. If it shows something simpler (like node gateway.js) then the gateway is running.
2019-04-19 20:49:52.799 INFO : Creating database: /home/pi/.mozilla-iot/log/logs.sqlite3
2019-04-19 20:49:55.627 INFO : wifi-setup: waitForWiFi: networks exist: [ ‘Teeuwen’ ]
2019-04-19 20:49:55.781 INFO : wifi-setup: waitForWifi: connection found
2019-04-19 20:49:55.788 INFO : DNS config is: raspberrypi
2019-04-19 20:49:55.790 INFO : Service Discovery: changing profile - local domain is now: raspberrypi
2019-04-19 20:49:57.415 INFO : Service Discovery: state changed to: true
2019-04-19 20:49:57.445 INFO : HTTPS server listening on port 4443
2019-04-19 20:49:57.447 INFO : Redirector listening on port 8280
2019-04-19 20:50:07.607 INFO : Checking for add-on updates…
2019-04-19 20:50:07.997 INFO : Finished updating add-ons
2019-04-19 21:05:07.556 INFO : Opening database: /home/pi/.mozilla-iot/log/logs.sqlite3
2019-04-19 21:05:09.371 INFO : wifi-setup: waitForWiFi: networks exist: [ ‘Teeuwen’ ]
2019-04-19 21:05:09.514 INFO : wifi-setup: waitForWifi: connection found
2019-04-19 21:05:09.522 INFO : DNS config is: raspberrypi
2019-04-19 21:05:09.526 INFO : Service Discovery: changing profile - local domain is now: raspberrypi
2019-04-19 21:05:10.714 INFO : Service Discovery: state changed to: true
2019-04-19 21:05:10.752 INFO : HTTPS server listening on port 4443
2019-04-19 21:05:10.755 INFO : Redirector listening on port 8280
2019-04-19 21:05:20.947 INFO : Checking for add-on updates…
2019-04-19 21:05:21.351 INFO : Finished updating add-ons
I followed https://github.com/mozilla-iot/gateway . At the end it says “npm start”, which is what i did. Afaik, i did every step on that page, except from the optional ones.