Installation frustrations

Please note the following error I get when I’ve tried to use deepsearch from a pip install and also when running the prebuilt deepsearch downloaded using

tensorflow/core/platform/] The TensorFlow library was compiled to use AVX2 instructions, but these aren’t available on your machine.

I realize this is your first release but outside of mozillains, how are people managing to install deepsearch and make it run on a workstation? I have yet to find instructions containing clear steps to realizing a working deepsearch.

A section titled #Installation, in any README, ought to contain all of the required installation instructions. Neither the root README nor native_client/README have them.

As I said on the other thread, there is so far no other alternative than rebuilding and re-producing Python bindings in this case. I understand this is frustrating, but so far there is no runtime-level enabling/disabling of those optimizations, and we enabled them.

And there is no “Installation section”, because that is documented right at the top of the root’s

You can see the pip install deepspeech statement, and as I said, in native_client/ documents how to rebuild things in your case.

I have the same problem and would love to see someone provide binaries for non-AVX2 (and non-NVidia) platforms. Not really in the mood for lengthy compilation sessions.

Stefan Reich

Thanks for your feedback, I guess we’ll have to try and find a solution soon :slight_smile:

Do you solve the problem?I get it , I can not solve it?thanks!!

We are publishing AVX and non AVX2+FMA binaries now, from TaskCluster only for the moment: