Is there any way to build a firefox extension (that isn’t considered “legacy”) that can do any of the following?
Allow the user to change the omnibox keywords used by the extension, or add additional keywords? (The omnibox api requires all keywords to be listed in manifest.json.)
Respond to input in the address bar without a keyword? (Say, detecting when the user has typed something that looks like an ISBN or an email address, and displaying appropriate responses in the pop-up menu)
Change the input in the address bar (Example: Google Chrome automatically registers domain names as keywords for site-specific searches, but the user only has to type a prefix of the keyword and then hit tab, auto-completing the rest - saving the user from having to memorize a unique keyword for every search).
Style the input in the address bar (to provide syntax coloring for complex input)
If any of 1-4 can’t be done in the address bar, can they be done in the search box? Can the pop-up menu of suggestions that appears when you type in the search box be generated by javascript code, or must it come from a server?
If any of 1-4 can’t be done in the address bar OR the search box, are there any plans to extend the WebExtensions API to allow any of these things?
If any of 1-4 can’t be done, whether or not they might be doable in some future version, what are some workarounds that would allow me to present the user with a way to easily interact with my add-on primarily or exclusively by typing? I can think of:
- A toolbar button or address bar button, with an associated keyboard shortcut, which displays a pop-up with a text input that does all the things I wish the address bar did.
- a “virtual toolbar” injected into every web page loaded, right at the top, with my add-on’s functionality embedded in it. This seems like a Bad Idea for lots of obvious reasons.
- A sidebar, which isn’t very useful for this case but is worth mentioning for completeness.
Background info: I’m mainly trying to implement something like Google Chrome’s auto-adding and auto-completion of search keywords, although there are other things I’d like to do with this as well.