I would like to develop a Firefox addon to provide a much better password manager than the existing ones. The problem is that the fundamentals of Webextensions are not all provided in one place, concisely.
When I try to follow the documentation, I get errors like “TypeError: can’t access dead object” and “DebuggeeWouldRun”. All these errors are obscure, poorly documented, and have source file locations in utility programs instead of in my extension code. More importantly, I can find no postings that teach what to do and what not to do, except for a few very obscure cases that do not appear relevant to what I’m trying to do.
It has been a very frustrating few days, and I feel that I still cannot get the basic functions to work: sending a message from background to foreground, or vice-versa, and so forth.
And I have not yet discovered a forum where I can get help in finding my bugs, bugs that I could have avoided easily if the documentation were complete. I’m not criticizing any person, but the idea of documenting fully any system or feature, in this case Webextensions.
I’ve been referred here, and I’m hoping to find answers to my many questions.
Can anyone give me advice as to how to proceed? Should I post my buggy code in one of these forums? Should I post tiny test cases that malfunction? Is there a wonderful document somewhere that I should read?