I’ve been writing some basic code on VSC and viewing it on live server. However, since the files are stored on my laptop when I copy the url it isn’t viewable to anyone other than myself.
Is there a simple way to load it somewhere, other than learning how to use github (i’m not read to learn that just yet, still working basic html and css).
Can you tell us more about what you’re coding? Do you really need a server? It’s likely that your html file will open correctly in a browser as a file “file:/path/to/index.html”.
If it’s pure HTML/CSS, maybe you can start with a jsfiddle or codepen account, you can do a lot of things with those tools.
If you need to host your file, some providers have free “starter plan”, it depends on your needs (NodeJS, PHP, .NET, databases…).
About git, prepare yourself to add it to your learning path soon Basic usage in not so tough, you’ll see.
To add to this, yes, tools like jsfiddle or codepen are great for being able to put simple client-side code up online easily.
If you need some kind of server-side element, then glitch will also allow you to do that.
But yes, @milc is right — you’ll have to learn some git soon enough — it is the industry standard version control system these days. It is a bit horrible and confusing to begin with, but you’ll get there if you persevere.
First thanks for taking the time. Second I hope this isn’t too much info:
Because of Corona, I started pursuing learning how to code online. I’ve been self teaching for about 2 weeks now and following the rule of becoming “vertically proficient” have stuck to only HTML & CSS before I move on to learning javascript (after that I plan to learn react & redux).
I’ve done the following course work: Kenzie’s bootcamp prep; Flatiron’s; Skillcrush; Codecdemy (2 x - once for Springboards prep course); SoloLearn; and finally here with MDN.
I’ve worked on code on solo learn and was able to view the end result and share a link to there, but found when I loaded it on to VSC there was more to what I had written than was visible on solo learn.
I’ve been using VSC for about 3-4 days and can view it on the “live server”. The problem started when I tried to send the link to my friend (who is also wanting to learn coding) and they couldn’t be view because the files are on my hard drive.
So now I’ve downloaded github, but found myself overwhelmed and didn’t want to sidetrack trying to learn that whole system when I haven’t even mastered HTML (even though I’m putting in 8-12 hours/day for the last 14 days).
I hope your still reading and I haven’t gone the “TMI” route.
@Vince_Caruso that’s a really good way to use your time during the lockdown period. I think you are also very wise to master single verticals before moving on. and HTML/JS makes sense before JS/React, definitely.
Using something like codepen to share code with friends is definitely a lot easier than GitHub, I promise
I’ve added that link to my study list and when I start MDN javascript will read it (so I understand what you’re saying). My current goal is to finish HTML/CSS by Saturday and start javascript next Sunday.
I understood codepen was a lot simpler than Github, but that there were issues (can’t remember what) which lead me to VSC.
Anyway, I just logged into codepen and will play with it later.
Thanks again,