Hello! I have an addon that I’ve been self-hosting on my web server with a custom update.rdf to handle automatic updates. Because of the changes in Mozilla’s add on signing policy (however much I disagree with them) I’m now forced to send my add-on through the AMO review anyways, so I figured I might as well just let AMO host it and handle updates for me.
My question is: if I am currently on add on version 1.0.746 which is self-hosted and pointing to an update.rdf on my own server, if I simply modify the update.rdf file to indicate a new version 1.0.755 and make the update link hosted on AMO, will that seamlessly transition my users to the AMO version?
Sorry if this is unclear, I’d be happy to provide examples of my current update.rdf and how I imagine changing it if necessary. Thanks in advance!
Also, is it not possible to change “Addon visibility” from Unlisted to Hidden or Listed? And if not, does that mean it’s impossible for me to switch from a self-hosted addon to one on AMO?
That seems like it would be a really common use-case now that the new signing requirements are forcing everyone to go through the review queue.
Add-ons listed on AMO can only be updated through AMO. External
update mechanisms are not allowed. Unlisted add-ons, on the other hand,
need to be updated on their own.
An add-on can be changed from Listed to Unlisted and viceversa, if
you change your mind. You should know that if you switch from Listed to
Unlisted, your current users won’t be automatically migrated to the
unlisted versions of your add-on. Switching from Unlisted to Listed is
easier because Firefox will check for updates on AMO if an add-on
doesn’t have an updateURL in its install manifest.
Due to technical limitations on AMO, add-ons can only have their
visibility changed by deleting the add-on and submitting it again.