Mission-Driven Mozillians 2019 Update

Hey All,

2019 is here so like at the end of last year when I gave a 2018 update, I want to take a moment to reflect on what we accomplished last year as part of the Mission-Driven Mozillians project, and what we’ll be aiming to accomplish in 2019.

As a reminder the goal of the Mission-Driven Mozillians Project is to create a modern, unified way to attract and engage contributors who are passionate about the mission and want Mozilla to win. I encourage you to read the full vision statement here.

How did we do in 2018

In 2018 we focused on achieving this goal in 2 ways:

  1. Increased connection to high value engagements
  2. Improving coordinated approaches and unified systems

[2018] Increased connection to high value engagements

Through Campaigns, in 2018 thousands of Mozillians had a huge impact on crucial Mozilla projects. We got great feedback especially from the Dark Funnel Detective campaign that it was fun to do and helped communities direct their work towards impact. We’re excited to be running many more campaigns in 2019 (like the Firefox Fights For You campaign that is already underway - with great t-shirt prizes!). We’re very happy with how successful this approach was in 2018.

[2018] Coordinated Approaches & Unified Systems

We attempted to advance each of the 7 project themes in 2018. While we made a lot of progress in many areas in Metrics, Recognition, and Resource Distribution we did not hit our goals in the second half of the year. See the full summary of what happened last year below.

What will we do in 2019

In 2019 we’ll keep the same two-pronged approach for achieving our goal to create a modern, unified way to attract and engage MDM contributors who want Mozilla to win.

  1. Increased connection to high value engagements
  2. Improving coordinated approaches and unified systems

[2019] Increased connection to high value engagements

We’ll be launching more high-value campaigns that are fun and impactful - like the Firefox Fights for You campaign. We’ll also be working to attract more MDM’s by growing the Campaigners Mailing List, expanding the number of languages we regularly communicate in, and refreshing the Activate website so that it becomes an easy place to see current, future, and past campaigns.

We’ll also work to support & improve “Evergreen” Contribution Areas (areas where contributions are always needed) by supporting and making it easier for people to get involved with projects like SuMo, L10N & Common Voice.

[2019] Improving coordinated approaches and unified systems

This year we’ll be focusing on Community Group Registration (previously called: Group Structures & Identities) and the Contributor Journey as the lense through which we’ll address all 7 themes.

  1. Community Group Registration - In the first half of the year we’ll expand the group identities pilot and use learnings from it to describe and design a central portal through which all Mozilla groups can register. There will be extensive community consultation!! In H2 we’ll work with Mozilla’s identity and access management (IAM & Mozillians) initiatives, to start building the portal in a way that ensures intelligent integration with existing tools and platforms.
  2. Contributor Journey - In the first half of the year we will focus on making Activate a place for MDM’s to discover to high impact opportunities. In H2 our goal will be to connect Activate with the groups portal in a way that makes both community and opportunity discovery better and easier than ever before.

As part of ALL of this work we will emphasize and integrate D&I, the leadership principles, recognition, metrics, and resource distribution.

Share Your Thoughts

This is a big overview and there are many details that we won’t know until we start working on the projects, but we do know that there will be lots of opportunities for you to get involved and share your thoughts on specific parts of this projects as the year progresses. For now we’d love to share in the comments below:

  • What did you feel about the campaigns or structural changes in 2018?
  • How did this work impact (or not impact) your experience as a Mozillian?
  • What part of the 2019 plan are you most interested in hearing more about & participating in?
  • What are your questions?
  • Do you have any feedback about the 2019 plan overall?

Looking forward to hearing from you and for another great year to rocking the open web together in 2019!

Lucy & the Community Development Team