Johnathan Nightingale had registered the domain with the intention of using it to showcase the Mozilla offices’ obsession with coffee. He never did do anything with it and posted on twitter that he would be happy to hand it over if someone wanted it. I thought that Reps/Mozillians should do something with it since we have a type of event called MozCoffee!
Do other people agree, and if so what do you think we should use the domain for? I have some ideas but I want to see what people come up with unbiased.
We should try to find a way to integrate this into our remo MozCoffees. Even if it’s a blog feed of all the awesome events, or a hub of ideas, plannings and tip for MozCoffee events. Just as long as there is plenty of coffee
Yeah these were all along the lines I was thinking. Though I think we have
other tools for planning, I think it makes sense to use the domain for
"outreach" activities. Show people how much fun MozCoffees are, let people
know when one is coming in their area.
I like the idea of using a tumblr, we could also use a wordpress, I don’t
know which one is easier.
I think we can really just focus on Mozilla and Coffee and so we can still
allow categories for the offices to share pics of their awesome coffees, or
pics of themselves plotting over coffee.
So we could have
MozCoffee event announcements (and these could link to the Reps portal
sign-up pages for more info)
MozCoffee event posts (highlights and pics of the events
Pics of Mozillians with coffee (in and out of the offices)
Stories about Mozillians and coffee (eg I was having coffee with this
other Mozillian and we had this great idea…)
Would you add anything? Would you limit it?
Don’t forget we could put multiple things up, we could have
for the wall of pictures and for a list of upcoming
Yes, I started this discussion after consulting with Jeff. If there is
interest and a solid proposal then we’ll take that back to him and go from
That’s actually a good question for all of the suggestions. It’s one thing
to know what we want to do, another to have people with the time and skills
to do it!