[Mozilla India] Share your Community Photos to Mozilla India Instagram Account!

Hi lovely Reps from India! :wave:

I hope you’re staying safe at home during this lockdown.


  1. Stay home, stay safe! :hugs:
  2. Announcing the @mozillaIN Instagram account.
  3. Upload your #MozMoments so that we can populate our profile with fun stories from our Community.
  4. Share your upcoming events/webinars and tag us, we will add those in the stories.
  5. Please add clear images with captions and hashtags for us to share.
  6. Feel free to let us know if you have any suggestions or ideas for the account.

We have set up the @mozillaIN Instagram account. Since we already have a very active Twitter Account but a lot of you share your pictures and updates on Instagram. We want to give our Community a voice on Instagram too!

During the time of this pandemic, we want to share your favorite Mozilla stories on Instagram. We want you to use the hashtag #MozMoments and you can add your moments here so that we can post it on our account.

We encourage you to share your Mozilla Community updates, with pictures, and caption, and of course some hashtags as well. You can share it here, so we can help to push to @mozillaIN account. We would love to see more diverse photos from many communities all over the country.

If you have an upcoming event you want to share, tag us in the image so that we can share the event poster in our story! You can also tag us in your stories @mozillaIN to give the community some real-time updates. :partying_face:

Please use high-res images so that it’s clear for everyone who visits our profile. We are open for ideas and feedbacks, of what are the things that you feel would be great to have on our Instagram account.


Thanks for the initiative @pransh15 :smile:
Here’s a recent post by MozPunjab on Instagram

While some of us fighting for us in the frontline, we too can help create a better world for all of us! There has never been a more important time to contribute to open source! :earth_africa::heart:
in frame - @sanju_r99
@vishal_mastbanda @harshbajpai @bot_arsh @batchuthrishna @jassu5084 @_maverick_vishal @mr_a.das @gupta_smile_ @gyalmo__ @catfitanupama @__zenith__lead @manish.virgat @sarfraz_679 @areeb_roxks @hardikofficial28
#covid19 #postpandemic #stayhome #staysafe #stayincognito #lpu #worldfightscoronavirus #2020 #gharperahona #gharperaho #worldhealthorganization


That’s great @pransh15. We recently did an online meetup with around 35 participants (I believe you were there :p).

@moznuv recently hosted their first meetup and saw around 30 participants had joined! Council Members as well as Reps from @mozguj Community also joined!!
#mozin #moznuv #mozguj


Hey @pransh15
We’ve another event announcement on Instagram :smile:
Hello everyone 👋 We're announcing a new series of event called GabFest, where we talk to folks around the globe who are doing their bits in keeping the web accessible, safe and inclusive for everyone! ❤️ #mozpunjab #GabFest #mozillagram
Post link: Mozilla Punjab on Instagram: "Hello everyone 👋 We're announcing a new series of event called GabFest, where we talk to folks around the globe who are doing their bits in keeping the web accessible, safe and inclusive for everyone! ❤️ #mozpunjab #GabFest #mozillagram"

Thank you :smiley: