Greetings - We are planning a Firefox Nightly Workshop in the Paris Office in May. Please see the wiki for information about how to apply for one of the spots. Unfortunately we can only accommodate local Mozillians as we don’t have budget for travel. Looking forward to your applications!
That’s very good news
I think Pascal Chevrel from Mozilla is aware and that the room must be reserved
On the other hand, you talk that there is no travel budget !!! Does that also include at the level of the train to bring the Mozillians who live near Paris?
Mozilla Rep
Hello Christophe - The Nightly event is separate from the l10n event, so
unfortunately we don’t have any money for airfare/visas/transportation for
the 5 people who are part of the workshop. I will try to find out if we can
reimburse train travel. Also is it possible to get the transportation
sponsored by Reps?
For the hotels, l10n has agreed to share some of the hotel budget, but
right now no rooms have yet been reserved because we don’t have the final
count of who will be attending.
Pascal is aware of the event, but he is not part of the team that is
organizing and planning it. The organization of the event is being
coordinated by Jeff Beatty and Delphine , and I am coordinating the part
that pertains to Nightly. This is their l10n event, and they have been
gracious enough to allow me to have a smaller workshop while their larger
one is going on in the Paris office.
Hope this answers your questions.
thanks for the answers
Of course, I can participate and ask for Reps budget to have people who do not live in Paris.
I know Delphine so I’ll get closer to her
Like this, to allow to define the level of communication in the different groups that I am party (MDN, Mozilla Social Champion, Reps…) and in the community Mozilla France and Francophonie
best regard