It’s accessible but it’s closed now to more questions.
Unfortunately the volume of questions was too big for the 1h AMA. We did our best to at least reply all top questions + most live ones
It’s accessible but it’s closed now to more questions.
Unfortunately the volume of questions was too big for the 1h AMA. We did our best to at least reply all top questions + most live ones
You need to log-in. Moderator is a tool for vouched mozillians.
In other words: a private website.
Yes, moderator has been always a private tool for vouched mozillians only. We can start a conversation in a new topic about the need of a public moderator.
No. In other words a “moderated” website.
A login-required website. An access-restricted website. A website closed to the public. If the name of this is moderated, then moderated
I moved this to a separate topic to keep it tidy
Discourse is moderated and public. Moderated means the content is monitored, it has nothing to do with access.
Mozmoderator don’t need to be fully open for writing, but for reading I don’t see why not.
Requiring a Mozillian login to post questions is OK, for reading the submitted questions however it shouldn’t.
That level of secrecy, is unnecessary in an open environment. Besides, anyone with a Mozillians login can already leak everything in an untraceable manner already
Maybe mozmoderator devs can explain better about the current implementation.
The functionality is as explained above. Vouched only mozillians can see and post questions (and vote on them).
Programmatically is not owned by our team right now (neither there is a plan for that). We do maintain only the technical aspect of it for the moment. Happy to answer any other technical questions around it.