Finally figured out why my phone was not being sensed with theNetwork presence detector add-on…
First started up WebThings Gateway early February 2020 and added several add-ons including Counter, DateTime Adapter, Scheduler, Weather and Wemo.
I bought two wemo smart plugs and got them running with minor difficulties (learning curve).
I then added a TP-Link smart plug, installed the adapter and got it running without incident.
I then decided to add the Network presence detector and tried to get it to recognize my LG phone – problem!
TheNetwork presence detector saw lots of things, but no phone.
After many attempts, including uninstalling and reinstalling the Network presence detector, manually adding by URL (unsuccessfully), and after reading everything I could on Mozill-IoT Discourse, I came across several hints… and was successful….
The TP and the LG phone shared the same IP (x.x.x.104) How?
The instructions to manually add via URL are slim to non-existent (I found an answer in comments from [mrstegeman]( - Re: [Mozilla IoT] Device Disconnects)
I uninstalled the TP-Link adapter and then scanned for devices, found the LG phone (it also helps to turn on wifi on the phone… answer to How?)
Oh – the fun of learning
Don’t take Life too seriously, you aren’t about to get out of it alive…