Opening Multiple Bookmarks via Extensions opens them in reverse order

When I select multiple Bookmarks using Firefox’s inbuilt Bookmark Side-bar, and open them in new Tabs, or by Shift-Clicking this Context menu item, my Bookmarks open in the right order (from top to bottom).

I’ve tested two extensions that I use: Bookmark search plus 2 and Bulk URL Opener, and when I open multiple Bookmarks with these two Extensions, they open in reverse order. They open in reverse order whether I open them in new Tabs, or in New Window.

Is there a Flag that I can change to change this behaviour?


It’s best to contact authors of these extensions and ask them for a new option to reverse opening order.

When reporting, ask them also to check if they are setting correct openerTabId .
I have a feeling this property can change order of opening multiple tabs (or was it closing? Sadly the MDN is not very clear on what it really does…).

Can you provide a video of a reproduction? I’ve tested this locally with Firefox Nightly 131.0a1 on macOS 14.5 and I’m not able to select multiple bookmarks simultaneously. The closest thing I’m able to do is right-click a folder in the Bookmarks sidebar and select “Open All Bookmarks” from the context menu.

Also, can you clarify what you mean by “reverse order”? What are you seeing and what is your expected result?

When I use the “Open All Bookmarks” option I mentioned, the top bookmark in the folder opens as the left-most tab and the bottom bookmark in the folder opens as the right-most tab. For me, the order I expect.

As @juraj.masiar said, if you’re observing undesirable behavior in specific add-ons, it’s best to reach out to the add-on’s author about the issue.