Please assess "structuring a page of content" (Birdwatching site)

Thanks! This is from the second assignment, and the (validated) code is here:

A few notes –

  • The CodePen site asks that only the HTML be pasted into the window, with the being entered separately. Should we ignore that and paste it all into the HTML window?

  • The images don’t display because they’re on my computer, not on CodePen, and it doesn’t seem there’s a way to upload them.

  • I created a mail link for the author, with an address @

A big thanks to all of you who volunteer here. I learned HTML and CSS back when versions 4 and 2 were the latest, so I’m refreshing, but I can appreciate how thorough this course is, explaining not just the how but also the why. Far too many courses out there, even some paid ones, are basically just walkthroughs, so thanks again!

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Hello @RobertSF

Everything is correct. Congratulations! :medal_sports:

For readability it’s best when HTML, CSS (and later JS) is separated into their specific panels.

Yeah, that’s not supported in the free version of CodePen. For future exercise with images you could either use the full URLs from the MDN GitHub to the images or use which is another free online editor that allows uploading assets.


Thank you very much for the kind words :blush: If you have any additional questions we are here to help.

Have a nice day,

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