We want to invite you to actively participate in the refreshing of our Community Guidelines - the statements that we should all hold true, agree to participate (and collaborate by) while at Support Mozilla in any capacity (admin or contributor).
Is there a reason SUMO needs its own set of guidelines? I feel like most of that doc is covered by the mozilla-wide CPG and the rest is specific to sumo moderation, which might make more sense as moderation guidelines than participation.
Yes, with time the community admins (Rachel and I) decided it would be beneficial (especially for new contributors) to have an extra layer of guidelines that would put more SUMO-context on the Mozilla-wide CPG you mentioned. SUMO offers a rather unique set of interactions and challenges to people who want to contribute meaningfully and we want to highlight community-wide expectations regarding communication and behaviour.
Moderation guidelines for posts/forums are yet another layer that we definitely need (and are refreshing) as well.
I like the guidelines and do not see anything too contentious in them.
I really liked:
"I will remember to have fun and take a break when I become frustrated or find myself in a heated debate. "
Is there any way this could be expanded (or possibly a second point added) to say something like:
“I will remember to take a break now and again to prevent myself from burning out”
We want people to contribute, but we also need to take care of those that do, and to make clear that there is nothing wrong with taking a step back for a while (more than a couple of days) is not a bad thing if it keeps people healthy.
Any chance we can add this? I just think that it is important to watch out for contributors mental health and allow people to feel comfortable with stepping back occasionally.
Thank you for all your input! We’ll be publishing a final (for now) version of the guidelines after the Austin All Hands - so, the week of 18th December.
I added a comment to the related bug report, https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1063790 Bug 1063790 - [SUMO]: Forum / Community participation guidelines are hard to find. There should be links to them in several places.