As you know, Council and Peers are meeting this week in Berlin to review and plan the 2016 strategy for Mozilla Reps program. To encourage visibility & participation of our beloved reps we invite you to post your questions, concerns and suggestions on this thread so we can discuss them here with Peers. We will share the outcomes and answers with you.
This would be great opportunity to get involved in this process and help us to shape a better strategy for this year.
We look forward forward for your questions & suggestions.
Thank you,
Faisal Aziz
On behalf of Reps Council
What are our plans to have some sort of a check/assessment from our current roster of Mozilla Reps?
It seems that there are Reps who made themselves “active” just before the “purge” we had Q4 of 2015 and never had an activity since then (up to this date).
What is our stand for Rep applicants (or for those who are already accepted in the Mozilla Reps Program), who also represent (or are employed) by organizations/corporations which are not aligned to the beliefs and ideals of Mozilla?
Most Reps of the fantastic job supporting Their communities, but When this is not the case, it’s Difficult for the regional community to raise this, and When They’s, it sometimes results in conflict. We still do not have a perfect solution for this, but in 2016 we plan to experiment with solutions que can bring us closer to fixing this bug.
What can we do when the community is not supported by several representatives of my region? Is there any procedure being developed for the community report conflicts and lack of support representatives?