Reps Monthly Call - Topics Suggestions

Hello All!

This discourse Topic is aimed at sharing and keeping track of suggestions on Topics/themes for future Monthly Reps Call.

For example, you can suggest:

  • A Mozilla Project you think Reps and communities should know more about
  • Suggestion on how we can involve more people
  • Community Building
  • General themes for the call (e.g. we should have a section every call talking about our favorite beverages)
  • Teaching/learning something
  • Important news we should discuss
  • Something you want to present (e.g. a personal/community project or event)

There isn’t a deadline for suggestions, but keep in mind that we are aiming to have the call on the last Thursday of the month. However, a topic does not have to work for the nearest Reps Call, but it can be a general suggestion for later in the year!

  • Meeting objectives.
  • Recognition of team member achievements.
  • Notable organizational changes or accomplishments.
  • Points to be discussed.
  • Organizational goals.
  • Team member updates and goals.
  • Action items.