Guillermo & Brian for being awesome supporter for all the Reps <–this!+10 millions<3+++1 (who will lead activate mozilla when Brian leaves ??+1
Konstantina for being our new Mozilla Community Space wrangler +1♥️
Kairo, Laka, Franc, Ioana, Daniele, Quentin (and many others I forgot) who kicked ass at FOSDEM
Redon, Gloria, Kristi, Quentin Lamamy, Quentin Fremaux, Christophe, Luna, Merike, Edoardo, Gabriele, Eugenio, Raffaelle, Gabriel Micko, Elio, BobChao… and I’m pretty sure I miss people
Big shout out to Ziggy Maes and Anthony Maton for his invaluable work at FOSDEM (mozlove to ziggy who has his car window broken)
#mozlove from @francjp to @lakatos88 for the special help in Fosdem (a little bit of love there)
all the Tech Speaker winter ducklings who are about to start the first lab session this week+1
@geraldobarros_ and @TedeFrambuesa for Digital Inclusion content ideas for February
AGENDA TOPIC 1 - Quick update and Strategy Projects - George
Lots of conversations happening in discourse that is really healthy since they are bringing the volunteers wisdom
North Star strategy project
helping mozilla understanding where we want to be in 3 years
run by John Jensen
what is the role of open innovation, participation, external collaboration and volunteers communities
Patrick is leading it --> Lucy and Ruben and George feeding in
looking closely on contribution inside Mozilla
collaborative type of efforts - we are looking on what is out on the world on open practices
Community census
trying to understand what is happening in our communities around the world, motivations, how people are connected to Mozilla, one another and other companies/organizations/projects
Ruben is driving this --> Lucy and George feeding in
D&I in our communities
Emma is driving this
In the next few weeks we are gonna communicate clearly the scope and how the connect to one another. Inside that we will need your input from bottom up on your perspective
How did your thinking change this year on metrics, and what can we learn from this for other activities/events that Mozilla shows up at?
Hard to measure engagement
Specifically connect this to goals of various areas of Mozilla, and think about ways to understand this
Is there any recording of the talks there?
Comment: Videos from talks are coming online, some are already there, some coming soon - linked from FOSDEM schedule/talk website (the issues that the audio is horrible XD)(Kairo is reading my mind! :D)
North American Reps - the Developer Roadshows are about to kick-off! Heres’s some tweets that you can share which will also be coming out from @MDN. If you’d like the image, I can send it to you via email (
We’re coming to a town near you! See when the @mozilla Roadshow comes to a town near you at and sign up!
Are you interested in sharpening your dev tools? Check out the @mozilla Roadshow schedule at and sign up!
Want to get up to speed on WebAssembly, WebGL, WebVR & more? Check out the @mozilla Roadshow schedule at
Wheels up! The @mozilla Roadshow is rolling out! See the schedule at and sign up!