Hello Fellow Reps,
Here are the Q4 OKRs (2017) for our Reps Program.
Objective 1. Council keeps supporting non-coding communities and contributors projects
KR 1 - Reps who attended the special calls rate them 4 out of 5 in terms of improving their understanding about the functional area goals
KR 2 - Lucy Harris and Ruben Martin value Council involvement in the non-coding communities project as 4 out of 5
Objective 2. The Reps program is further walking towards an excellent mobilizing program
KR 1 - By having the first cohort of Coaches fully trained, coachees rate the usefulness 4 out of 5
KR 2 - Reps interacting with newly trained Resources Reps in Q4 rate their satisfaction a 3 out of 5
KR 3 - Twitter experiment is graduated leading to a higher involvement of Reps in program communication by increasing the number of authors to 10
KR 4 - All items on the mobilizer roadmap are successfully executed
Which of the above objectives are you most interested in? What key result would you like to hear more about? What do you find intriguing? What are your thoughts about the Q4 OKRs?
We would like know your thoughts, let’s keep the conversation going!
on behalf of the Reps Council