I know so many, would wish not to miss them while shouting…here I know San James, Rosana, Konstantina
TOPIC 1 - RTL Feature Testing (and general testing) (Michael Kohler ) 5min max
Firefox team needs help testing two features in RTL (right to left) languages (Arabic, Hebrew, Urdu, ?)
Control Center (the popup you get when you click on the left-most UI element in the urlbar)
Tracking Protection (open a new private browsing window)
visual exploratory testing would be great
Download the latest version of Dev Edition (Firefox 42)
Test it! (even if you don’t have one of those languages), general testing is appreciated as well!
File a bug if you find something that is not correct
To see who the amazing testers are, report back here with your results * Would be great if I could do a shout-out for all the people who helped with this in the next meeting
Share this with your communities as well! share share share
TOPIC 2 - Events (Franc) 5 mins
QA Dhaka Tour (Dhaka, Bangladesh), Sep 10th to Oct 10th
We are planning to start a community for Marketing Students who are currently pursuing Bachelors of Business Administration(BBA) and Masters of Business administration(MBA) in collaboration with small,medium and large scale companies.
We are trying to bring real-time Marketing,Advertising and Branding problems from the companies and let students to work on them. By doing this both companies as well as students will be benefited. We are also planning to Provide client servicing for the companies. We would be glad if Mozilla can help us in growing this Community
Mentor Accountability + Mentor Selection Process is stalled until we have a definitive plan where we want to go in terms of leadership within Reps, so we don’t have to change again shortly after finishing this.
Top priority: start Budget training again to have the possibility to focus on strategy within the Council senor Franc is helping there
Discussions on where the Reps program could go
Talking to other Council-like teams in other organizations to find out what we can learn from them
San James is meeting with Larissa to onboard her for being a mentor
TOPIC 5 - Open Space Discussions Elio is moderating
Is there an established bridge between staff and volunteers for different contribution areas? Various contribution areas like Creative Design or Advocacy lack volunteer involvement, whereas other contribution areas like Reps are led by a great amount of volunteers. What can we do to allow volunteers be part of discussions in the contribution area they wish to help, not only where they’re welcome to.
Identify blockers for volunteer involvement.
Involve participation team to work on these blockers
Questions: Rosana: Would you like people to discuss this on a call or add their ideas on the topic?
Answer: Elio, I would actually like people to start discussing about this
Answer: Rosana: In terms between the bridge between the staff and the volunteers, in this call how many you feel disconnected from the contribution area you’re contributing
Answer: San James: maybe a good step would be to reach out to the contribution area and say that I want to contribute also the participation team would be able to help there
How much is the difficulty in finding the right people on those teams to connect with, and how much is having platforms for connecting once you know the person to talk to.
Should a non-mentor Rep be able to run for council?
Franc: I think that the current council requires a lot of time so maybe an everyday Rep won’t be able to take that burden. However we should start discussing this on the discourse topic cause we need more voices. Overall I think its a good idea but maybe its complicated in accomplishing
Identify if this is something Reps support (apparently yes)
Identify a nomination process for Reps who are eligible to run for council (we should be careful to not limit this, while still not ending up with 50 reps candidating)