After reading some complaints about this section of code (as it will introduce an easy way to gather data on the users without their control)(I am parroting concerns, I don’t acutally know)
/* Code to create the Google Analytics code for a Firefox Screenshots page.
Stubs out ga() if no gaId is configured
Disables analytics if Do-Not-Track is set
Hashes page names
const React = require("react"); // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const dntJs = `
// Copied from
function _dntEnabled(dnt, ua) {
'use strict';
// for old version of IE we need to use the msDoNotTrack property of navigator
// on newer versions, and newer platforms, this is doNotTrack but, on the window object
// Safari also exposes the property on the window object.
var dntStatus = dnt || navigator.doNotTrack || window.doNotTrack || navigator.msDoNotTrack;
var ua = ua || navigator.userAgent;
This file has been truncated. show original
I guess for me, since more code means more maintinace and slower performance, the question is why is this included?
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Like many service providers, Mozilla uses third party analytics services to evaluate use of its websites. Some of the implementation details can be found here:
opened 12:02PM - 31 May 18 UTC
closed 05:51PM - 31 May 18 UTC
On Google Analytics is used.
Google Analytic… s will not help to improve the product but will only feed Google with tracking information of Firefox users that want privacy. That's why a lot of people choose Firefox in the first place!
If you need to track the usage of the site, why not implement something like Piwik/Matomo and keep the data for yourself?
June 25, 2019, 3:59pm
and at the end of the day, what magnificent insights did they gain from all this “evaluation”? Did it remind them to renew certificates in time?