Thank you so much to all of you following this category. I know that following along with an open project like this that shares updates week after week can be tiring. But we appreciate so much those of you who keep coming back to read the updates, share your feedback, join calls and file issues. We wouldn’t be here without you.
As you know this is only the first public release of an in-development tool. We will continue to post weekly updates, request input and ask for contributions to the portal as we continue to build and improve for the next 5 months.
We look forward to your continued engagement here and on GitHub as we make this portal the best tool for all mozillians who want to contribute and participate with Mozilla.
Lucy, Mrinalini, Ruben, Konstantina & the Playground Team
I don’t think that for my question to open a ticket on github but in case I am organizing a monthly call for my community what is the right category? Advocacy or Evangelism?
Maybe something more for community management can be very helpful.
Another question because right now the event creation is bugged but on github is fixed, the deploy of updates when happens? Once at week or manually? With the other portal there was a public announcement for the new release but I cannot keep testing every day to see if the bug is fixed in the website.
(Rubén Martín [❌ taking a break from Mozilla])
I’ll ask about that PR.
About categories, we are currently discussing the best way to handle it, we agree the current form is not perfect. We expect to come with a recommendation for change soon.
We are also working with developers to maintain an updated list with all releases and dates, so everyone can track what’s being deployed when.
(Rubén Martín [❌ taking a break from Mozilla])
I’m told that PR is already deployed on production. Can you please check again?