Thermostat does not allow for control. And why the lack of concise conversion?


I just install the Trane XR524, bonded it with my Aeotec Gen 5, and added it to be controlled/accessed by Webthings Gateway.

It appears that all data is get only.

The OZW (which supports the thermostat as of some time in 2017; source) logs reflect the following:

2020-02-15 12:00:47.663 INFO : zwave: setProperty property: heatingTargetTemperature for: zwave-eafe982e-10-Thermostat valueId: 10-67-1-1 value: 24C zw:75.2F

But the temperature is never set. If I revisit the Thing after setting, then webgateway shows the latest stored and/or obtained setpoint (10-67-1-1) and reports it.

I’m unsure where to go from here, and realize that this may be an OZW issue, but I don’t want to go there without understanding the logic here.

How can I enable debugging of OZW to get more information? I had a lot of trouble with another zwave thermostat with home-assistant, but they must have coded hass to wait for some period of time and query for the set point value, and report it as it was reported. This was all reflected in the OZW logs, and I don’t see those transactions in this OZW log.

Also, according the config XML as noted in the OZW source, I can’t determine if the proper index is being called as the portion for the item is as follows:

   <Value genre="config" index="136" label="Heating 1 Setpoint" max="" min="" type="byte" units="degrees" value="60">
	      Heating 1 Setpoint (does this vary with ESM, etc. or is this for the "Hold" setting?
	      HOLD   55F / 13C
	      RUN    60F / xxC
	      ESM    64F / xxC (unless parameter xx has been changed)

So, in short, how do I make sure that Webthing is sending the correct command to the zwave device?

Also, why is the number I set in the web UI seemingly converted to Celcius, then sent as Fahrenheit via OZW (note that I have Fahrenheit set in the web UI as well as on the thermostat)?



Here is a bit of documentation about the adapter, and adding new devices and such:

For extra debugging, navigate to Settings -> Add-ons in your UI and click “Configure” on the Z-Wave add-on. In the debug field, you can add a comma-separated list with the following possible values: classifier, flow, node, valueId

Thanks for the info on command classes. I’ll give a shot to enabling extra debugging. Given that this device is defined within OZW, what is the liklihood it will be supported straight through?

I also have a stelpro that isn’t allowing sets, but has no problem with gets.

I also can’t locate and the …/cli directory. Should I clone the github repo?

It works with all debugging flags set. I’m going to remove them all, then see if it continues to work; if not, I’ll add them one by one before I go code diving. I love when this happens :smiley:

2020-02-16 16:03:20.415 INFO   : zwave: setProperty property: heatingTargetTemperature for: zwave-eafe982e-10-Thermostat valueId: 10-67-1-1 value: 18.5C zw:65.30000000000001F
2020-02-16 16:03:22.036 INFO   : zwave: node10 valueChanged: 10-67-1-1:Heating 1 property: heatingTargetTemperature = zw: 65 F F
2020-02-16 16:03:25.797 INFO   : zwave: node10 valueChanged: 10-67-1-1:Heating 1 property: heatingTargetTemperature = zw: 65 F F

Some devices have certain quirks we have to work around, and in some cases we have to add some additional logic to parse things into the correct properties, but it’s typically not too complicated.


Sure, that makes sense. The Trane continued to work without debug flags, but the stelpro does not function (note that I didn’t change any settings on the stelpro while the debug flags were set). Is there something you’d like me to observe while I enable each debug flag and setProperty to the stelpro?


It looks like this did not resolve the issue with the stelpro:

2020-02-22 12:24:03.771 INFO   : zwave-adapter: setProperty property: heatingTargetTemperature for: zwave-eafe982e-8-Thermostat valueId: 8-67-1-1 value: 14C zw:57.2F
2020-02-22 12:24:03.849 INFO   : zwave-adapter: node8 valueChanged: 8-67-1-1:Heating 1 property: heatingTargetTemperature = zw: 55.0 F F
2020-02-22 12:24:10.354 INFO   : zwave-adapter: setProperty property: heatingTargetTemperature for: zwave-eafe982e-8-Thermostat valueId: 8-67-1-1 value: 14C zw:57.2F
2020-02-22 12:24:10.436 INFO   : zwave-adapter: node8 valueChanged: 8-67-1-1:Heating 1 property: heatingTargetTemperature = zw: 55.0 F F

I’ve posted the relevant OZW log: with 21 day expiration.

Of course unnecessary, I also rebooted the gateway.

