Top Results from our Group Identities Survey

Hello Everyone,

I’m excited to share this post and our top findings from the Group Identities Survey (Find more information on the Group Identities Project for the Community Development Team here). The survey is still open for people to fill here

To dig deeper into some of the findings from the survey and gain more clarity, I will be holding Focus Discussion Groups on Telegram in 3 categories:

  1. Individuals who identify as Women, Non-binary/third gender or Transgender
  2. Individuals who are involved in a contribution area group (Localization, Support, Web Literacy, etc.)
  3. ‘Leaders’ of a current group (Those who have started groups or have specific leadership positions within the group). .

Next week we will be circulating a form for anyone who is interested in signing up for these discussions. The survey findings as well as discussion conversations will then be turned into a list of recommendations document that will be shared with the community.

Please find some of the Survey results below:
Purpose of the Survey: To understand the various ways that people organize and connect around Mozilla’s work and mission in groups

  • Age: 66.6% of the Community is between the age of 19-24
  • 86% people associate with Mozilla India and almost 50% said they associate with regional communities.
  • The most popular answer for the group that people associated with was Contribution Areas and then Program (Refer to the image below).

  • Challenges with regards to groups:
  • Why People leave groups
  • The Key challenges of groups are: Recognition, Negative culture e.g.trolling/bullying, Personal conflicts & lack of clarity on roles
  • Community Participation Guidelines (CPG): 53.1% Participants said they were aware of the CPG.

Thank You,

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