March 31, 2017, 10:23am
I found this interesting article about “how to effeciently use some less known Inspectors features ”.
I am impressed especially by first two topic, available in Chrome, to Toggling Classes With Checkboxes and “Editing Content with designMode ”.
Can we consider to implement something similar?
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(Julian Descottes)
March 31, 2017, 11:07am
Toggling classes was actually recently implemented by @pbro (see 1213767 - Make it easier to toggle classes on elements in the inspector ) ! It will ship with Firefox 55.
And regarding document.designMode = "on"
, it’s actually a document API (Document: designMode property - Web APIs | MDN ) and is already available in Firefox. Just open the Console and type document.designMode = "on"
You know what @ldetomi ? That is a pretty cool feature!
I made a WebExtension for toggling document.designMode. It is under review in AMO .
It usually takes a day to get passed the review
Hmmmm… my addon only works in Firefox Nightly
Error: No window matching {“matchesHost”:["<all_urls>"]}
I did not ask for that permission .
So… @ldetomi you can have that feature only if run Nightly for now