The good news is don’t have the problems others are reporting. I did have problems but (succinctly) I solved some issues by shutting my Raspberry Pi 3 down totally for ~15 minutes (to fix Zigbee not working at all. And maybe other issues.) I solved time issues in rules by configuring the new localization settings. I have WiFi and Zigbee things. All of them work.
The remaining issue is my Timer things are showing as being disconnected. Any of the rules that use them don’t work now.
Oh, I changed Celsius to Fahrenheit in localization (thanks!) The temperatures now display as Fahrenheit. But editing rules that involve temperatures doesn’t work well. The edit box isn’t working well in rules.
I also had problems with my timers, but I solved thee issue simply removing and re adding the timers to my rules; I just had a few, so it was doable in a couple of minutes.
Hope this workaround helps someone
I don’t know enough about github to do anything with that fix. I opened timer-adapter.js in an editor to see if I could manually incorporate the code you linked to, but the code in timer-adapter.js was too different from what you linked to.
Since I changed units to Fahrenheit in the new localization window, when I edit the value of a temperature, the change I make immediately turns into random looking numbers in the edit dialog box. No matter if I edit with the keyboard or if I use the up/down arrows to increment/decrement the value.
But if I ignore what is on the screen and blindly, say, use Ctrl-A to select all the text in the temperature dialog, press “del” to delete it all, and then type in the value I want and then exit the edit mode, the correct value is entered. But seeing all the randomish numbers in the editing box is disconcerting.
I am also seeing the problem with the temp sensors. I am getting mostly all negative numbers, even if I change to a positive number, or manually input the temp number. When using the arrows to change it, I can put it where I want it, but when I release the mouse button it snaps to -11. Same if I manually input the temperature.
Any idea when this will happen? I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the timer addon. And shutting the gateway RaspPi down completely for about a half hour, but after restarting all my timers remain disconnected and inoperable.
For a while, yesterday I think, the timers were shown as disconnected but they (mostly) worked. But this has gone away and for all of today they are disconnected and inoperable.
Also, I determined that I wasn’t using two of my timers. I tried to remove them but they are still there. Ditto for a Zigbee on/off switch that wasn’t working right. I removed it from the gateway, shut the gateway down, removed the battery from the switch, but it won’t go away.
Thanks. I did what you said and they work. Adding the visual display of the seconds counting is a nice addition.
But I still have the problem not being able to remove the old timers. And the Zigbee on/off switch that I removed the battery from still can’t be removed.
I’ve actually fixed this on the master branch already, post-0.10.
To fix things on the release build, you’ll have to do something like this on the command line:
sqlite3 ~/.mozilla-iot/config/db.sqlite3 "SELECT id FROM things"
# Find the ID of your old thing(s).
# The IDs were previously identical to the name you assigned.
sqlite3 ~/.mozilla-iot/config/db.sqlite3 "DELETE FROM things WHERE id = 'your id'"
sqlite3 ~/.mozilla-iot/config/db.sqlite3 "SELECT id FROM things"
only returns the IDs of valid things. The timer IDs are all for the newly created timers that work. There are no IDs for the old timers that don’t work and I can’t get rid of.
I tried to do
sqlite3 ~/.mozilla-iot/config/db.sqlite3 "DELETE FROM things WHERE id = 'Leak-state'"
where 'Leak-state' is the display name of one of the old timers. (The new working timer has a slightly different display name.)
Also, I can’t get rid of the Zigbee device that I removed from the gateway (and removed the battery from the actual device.) I did
sqlite3 ~/.mozilla-iot/config/db.sqlite3 "DELETE FROM things WHERE id = 'zb-8418260000e90e56'"
and restarted the gateway. 'zb-8418260000e90e56' is the actual id. But it won’t go away. I can remove it on the Things page. But if I go into pair mode by clicking on the “+”, it keeps reappearing.
Just to double check, I’m restarting the gateway like
Since the v0.10 update, I have been having weird random problems too. The gateway will lose connection to my HABridge about ever other day. This never happened before. This one has not been an issue for me.
Just rebooted and no change. The old timers still show up on the Things page. The phantom Zigbee on/off switch still shows up when I get into pairing mode with the “+” icon.
Mine are more of an aesthetic blemish. I’m happy to have working timers again. The gateway seems to be working otherwise. But I’m not connected to anything like an HA Bridge.