Since the v12 update installed a 4am this morning. I can no longer get the Philips-Hue adapter to see anything on HA-Bridge. HABridge does connect to it however, as I can still control things on the Gateway from HABridge, just not the reverse. I removed and reinstalled Philips-Hue several times to no avail. Also, my Run-Program-Adapter no longer even shows up in Addons, yet it is there in the addons folder. I have also reinstalled this from GIT and it still doesn’t show up.
Yes, I had the Philips-Hue adapter problem a few weeks ago after my system got hosed from a power outage and I did a complete restore. You suggested I re-install it which did fix it and it’s worked perfectly ever since. However now the reinstall “fix” doesn’t fix it. Thanks!
I really can’t help with the Hue issue. That adapter has changed very little over the past year, and the device discovery part hasn’t changed at all. It’s possible that there’s a problem with SSDP not working on your network. I had this issue for several months due to a bug in my router’s firmware.
Did the run-program-adapter update fix that issue?
While I am sure this will not be useful, here is the hue log:
2020-04-08 16:18:18.395 INFO : philips-hue-adapter: Loading add-on philips-hue-adapter from /home/pi/.mozilla-iot/addons/philips-hue-adapter
2020-04-08 16:18:19.465 ERROR : Failed to get property on: getProperty: device: philips-hue-f07959fffe62750e-100 not found.
2020-04-08 16:18:19.467 ERROR : Failed to get property level: getProperty: device: philips-hue-f07959fffe62750e-100 not found.
… and so on…
okay, gotit working again!
Stopped the gateway
I ran this #npm ci --production after removing the nodes
Then reinstalled the hue adaptor but disabled it.
Restarted the HABridge
Started the Gateway then enabled the hue adaptor.
It worked!
Very weird. Thank you again for your time and effort.