Had a long power outage last night. Afterwards my RPi4 would not fully boot. I pulled all the data from the .mozilla-iot folder. Did a fresh install and copied all the data back. I was amazed that almost everything came back, except for one thing. The Philips Hue plugin, which I use to communicate with the HABridge, can no longer connect to HABridge. HABridge still sees the Gateway just fine, just not the reverse. Any idea how I can fix this? This is a complex setup and I would really hate to have to rebuild from scratch. I did the fresh install on a new microSD card, so all the data on the original card still remains.
Have you tried reinstalling the Hue add-on? It’s possible it was corrupted somehow.
I was afraid to reinstall it thinking I would lose all my settings, but the reinstall did indeed fix it, nothing lost. Thank you!