Voting for Mozillian of the Month, August (ended on 9/22 15:00 UTC)

Hi Mozillians,

It’s time to share the story of great Mozillians, and voting to find out who will be our next Mozillian of the Month for August.

We have 3 candidates this month.

All Mozillians are welcome to participate. Please read their story, and Vote for the Mozillian who you support for the monthly honor. This month, we try to use the voting feature to show our support. The nominees who had the most votes on September 22 (15:00 UTC), will become our Mozillian of August !

On behalf of Reps Council & Mozillian of the Month Team

1st candidate,

Vishal Das nominated by Ranjith Raj

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2nd candidate,

Harshil Agrawal nominated by Pranshu Khanna

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3rd candidate,

@ballfish 洪慈吟 nominated by Irvin Chen

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The final score is…

Vishal - 46%
Harshil - 40%
@ballfish - 14%

Please join us to congratulating Vishal Das as Mozillian of August!!

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