(Konstantina Papadea)
Hello amazing Reps,
Join us today, Thursday for our weekly meeting at our usual time, 16:00 UTC
AirMo video:
This is a weekly call with some of the Reps to discuss all matters about/affecting Reps and invite Reps to share their work with everyone.
Etherpad link:
Vidyo link:
Weekly call details:
TOPIC 1 - Test Pilot - New in Send. Voice Fill. Notes
TOPIC 2 - Open Innovation OKRs
TOPIC 3 - Council Updates
TOPIC 4 - Featured Future events
And your topic! - feel free to add it on etherpad
PS: As always we encourage you to add some shout outs! We have amazing reps doing amazing work! Let’s send them some #mozlove!
(Michael Kohler)
Can we make sure that we edit the template to include the correct Vidyo link? The “322” at the end is too much.
Correct link:
(Chiorean Ioana)
Raw notes here.
ReMo Portal Event - If you attended this call or watched the AirMo recording, please mark yourself as an attendee here (both reps or mozillians).
- Sandeep,@sandeep81910240, My favorite song is shape of you
- Shahbaz @mdsbzalam , My favorite song is Jhumritilaiyaa (Jagga Jasoos )
- Bala Subramaniyan | @balapandu222 | Surviva (Anirudh Feat)
- konstantina @Konstantina_P castle on the hill
- Prathamesh Chavan | @pathfinderpc | Kyau & Albert - About The Sun
- Dinesh Mv | @dinesh_mv |
- Sierra, @SimplxeSierra, “Humble” by Kendrick Lamar+1Nice hair!+1 for hair too
- Christos @Bacharakis, Love don’t let me go, David Guetta
- Lucy Harris @lucyeharris my favourite song rightnow is “Signs” by Drake
- Kiki, @kelimuttu current fav song - Come on Eileen
- Michael Kohler and my favorite song is “Didn’t we have that last week?” :
- Francisco, favourite song nowadays: Itch - Nothing but Thieves
- Lívia Takács, @Liv_oni … In the Arms of a Stranger (Grey Remix)
- Hari priya | My favorite song is Despacito
- Viswaprasath, @Iamvp7 (seeing in air mozilla)
- Paul, Song of the day - Netsky - Thunder (ft. Emeli Sandé)
- Ioana, Song - Axwell /\ Ingrosso - More Than You Know
Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them! (they will be tweeted after the meeting)
- Ioana for being my webcompat guide (from Konstantina) <3 <3 anytime!
#MozLove to Sierra’s new hair!
- Big #mozlove to Paul for joining the call - his First Reps Call - hope he will come when he has more news or opportunities for community!
TOPIC 1 - Test Pilot - New in Send. Voice Fill. Notes. - Paul Oiegas - QA Engineer
Read more:
Try on:
- Voice Fill - voice to text input for searches Google, Yahoo and DuckDuckGo
- Notes - use the Firefox sidebar to take notes
- Send - Transfer files securely / encrypted
How can you contribute:
- test test test
- coding (patching fixing issues)
is the voice fill related with the voice project ?
are they tracked with any versions or firefox or independent?
- They should work with Firefox 50+
Other to come till Firefox 57?
how we decide between experiments and features
- the feedback people give, the time of the experiements being installed and used etc
TOPIC 2 - OKRs (Lucy)
TOPIC 3 - Featured Future events - Franc
TOPIC 4 Council updates - Konstantina
- Working on getting the OKRs out, now on the feedback step from the OI team
NON-VERBAL UPDATES (ie: you can’t attend but want to share something)