(Konstantina Papadea)
July 6, 2017, 2:16pm
Hello amazing Reps,
It’s the middle of the summer for some of us but worry not, if you’re not at the beach we are here for you!
Our call is back at its usual time 16:00 UTC
AirMo video:
Etherpad link:
Vidyo link:
Weekly call details:
TOPIC 1 - SF All Hands update - @Mte90
TOPIC 2 - Welcome new Reps!
And your topic! - feel free to add it on etherpad
PS: As always we encourage you to add some shout outs! We have amazing reps doing amazing work! Let’s send them some #mozlove !
(Chiorean Ioana)
July 20, 2017, 12:57pm
@nukeador @comzeradd can you pls change the title in Weekly Call 06-07-2017 to be consistent with the other meetings’s date format? Thanks!
(Chiorean Ioana)
July 21, 2017, 2:20pm
Raw notes can be found here .
ReMo Portal Event - If you attended this call or watched the AirMo recording, please mark yourself as an attendee here (both reps or mozillians)
Sandeep Kapalawai ,@ sandeep810 and my fav summer food is curd rice
Daniele, @ Mte90net, and I avoided italian food during the san francisco all hands
Bala Subramaniyan | @ balapandu222 | Green Mango Rice
Jason Shultz @ thehashrocket I like hot apple pie with french vanilla ice cream.
Konstantina @ Konstantina_P I like watermellon
Jayesh Katta Ramalingaiah | @ jayeshk_r | falooda
Abhiram @ abhi12ravi and I love Mango Ice-cream during summer <3
Robert Kaiser (KaiRo), no twitter, I like some Gumbo or Jambalya all year round
Ruben (@ nukeador) my favorite summer food is beans salad
Andre (@ soapdog and @ amoralabs) my favorite summer food is Hawaiian Ahi Poke
vibhanshu chaudhary | vibhanshu95
Geraldo Barros, @ geraldobarros_, my favorite summer food is ice cream.
Robin Koshy | @ 007Robinkoshy and fruit custard would be my fav food
Sierra Reed, @ SimplxeSierra, watermelon or strawberries
Prathamesh Chavan | @ pathfinderpc and my favourite summer food is Butterscotch Mastani
Juma Baldeh, @ TechAngelGirl urmm favorite summer food is Water melon lol
Lívia Takács, @ Liv_oni and my favorite summer food is Lángos
Alex Fuser @ alexfuser My favorite summer food is Mango
Kalyan Dikshit @ decode_dev Fav Food for Summer : Lasagna
Md Shahbaz Alam @ mdsbzalam Faluda during summer
Vigneshwer @ dvigneshwer Mango Milkshake
Zilmar @ ziww and my fav summer food is pizza (as it is in every other season <3)
Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them! ( they will be tweeted after the meeting)
welcome new Reps!
Reps attending SF All hands, they were really active and vocal.
Bob Chao, Shrustika, Daniele and Vigneshwer for participating in the Reps Mobilizer Experiment <3
Andre for helping with the meeting notes <3 <3 I like writing
For Firefox NIghtly users!
Mehul, Prathamesh, Vignesh & Abhiram for the Rust campaign
TOPIC 1 Update from All Hands SF - Daniele
TOPIC 2 Welcome new Reps!
Warm welcome to Robin, David, Ranjith, Harry and Jason
Ranjith - connecting mozilla india on subcommunities
Jason - software engineer; Excited about: online privacy, educating people about being safe online, fighting for a free and open internet. Hobbies: photography, backpacking, outdoor stuff, mountainback riding. <3 <3 <3
Harry - student, Studied physics and mathematics, going into quantum computation, wow!
Robin - student, Completed my graduation with Bachelors of Computer Application
NON-VERBAL UPDATES (ie: you can’t attend but want to share something)