Raw notes here.
If you attended it or watched it on airmo add yourself here.
Hi my name is Konstantina and I am from Greece. My favorite tree is the olive cause my family comes from the south of Greece and I love olive oil
Hi my name is Francisco, and I live in Madrid. My favorite type of tree is eucalyptus, because it smells good
Hi my name is Abbackar DIOMANDE , and i live in Abidjan .My favourite tree is BAOBAB , because i love baobab fruit
Hi my name is Srushtika, and I am from India. My favourite type of tree is Bonzai, because we have a similar height
Hi my name is Alex, and I am from Romania. My favorite type of tree is the willow tree, because it’s as graceful as my favorite person in the world, K.
Hi my name is Yuli, and i am from México.
Hi my name is Semirah, and I am from Boston. My favorite type of tree is an apple tree because I love apple cider
Hi, this is Jobava. My favorite tree is the Pythagoras tree
Hi my name is Marios, and I am from Greece. My favorite type of tree is cedar, because it smells good.
Hi my name is Irvin and I’m from Taipei Taiwan. I don’t really familiar with trees…
Hi my name is LArissa I am from Santa Cruz California and my favorite tree is a redwood tree, the largest and oldest trees in the world and they grow
Hi my name is Ram, I am from India
Hi, my name is Guillermo, and I’m from Argentina. My favorite type of tree i Araucaria, because is from Argentina’s south
Hi, My name is Kumaresan.C.S, and I am from Kerala,India. My favorite type of the tree is tee because its awesome one.
Hi, my name is Sierra and I am from San Francisco. My favorite type of tree is a palm tree because I love the beach.
Hi, my name is Priyanka and I am from India.
Shout outs!
Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them! ( they will be tweeted after the meeting)
#mozlove to Mrinal and Mozilla community Indore for organizing Mozilla Connected Devices workshop in Indore addressing an audience of 1,000+ people . !
#mozlove to mijanur for being Rep of the month
Brianna for approving flights quickly for All Hands+1
#MozLove to WebVRCamp Hyderabad India team
Mozillians at LatinoWare
Mozilla Ivory Coast team for amazing work to include the local community in Mozilla’s mission @Brice@aka@Abbackar@manuella
GREAT collaboration from the India WebVR community
Also, #mozlove and great job to Mozilla Paraguay & Brazil on Latinoware
AGENDA (Please add your own items) TOPIC 1 - Diversity and Inclusion Strategy and Volunteer Inclusion ️- Larissa Shapiro with Emma Irwin and Semirah Dolan
Diversity is a very broad topic, it’s the mix of people
i.Fest’16 - Augmented Reality aims at providing a platform for budding engineers to showcase their talent and inculcate the valuable skill of innovation. This new technology, called Augmented Reality, blurs the line between what’s real and what’s computer-generated by enhancing what we see, hear, feel and smell. This is the first time Mozilla will participate with them
Hashtag: #MozActivate, #MozIfest16, #MozGuj
Linux day in Italy (several cities, Italy), 22nd
Linux day is an event that spreads across all Italy with the goal to promote Linux and FLOSS in general in the country. It’s organised by groups of volunteer and sees the participation of hacker, IT people and curious citizens that want to enter the Open Source world.
A gathering of Mozillians from arabic countries who are mobilizing communities, bringing people into contributing to our mission, and helping them strengthen the impact of their contribution.
The main theme of this event is “The inclusion of th women in the technology and the participation of women in the Mozilla community”. This is an event promoted by enthusiasts of Mozilla women and free software in Nicaragua and Latin America to increase women’s participation.
New round of Reps Mentors being trained in Coaching
Budget Metrics Basics - Do you ever thought on how much time the budget procedures takes? Konstantina, Kiki and Michael does it. They will be releasing a visualization soon
Regional Coaches continue with their meetings with Communities all over the world
Leadership Toolkit - advances in create standard for collaboration and content priority
When is the Mexico community gathering?
TOPIC 4 - Council updates - Laka
Maker Party
Launch was successful
Working on the final draft, will send out comms about this
Regional Coaches
This week Regional Coaches doing reports about the communities they have met (SWOT), next week we’ analyze them and help them on figuring out next steps.
Only 13 mentors signed up. Training has started.
Q3 OKR evaluation
Reviewed Q3 OKRs, working on Q4 now
TOPIC 6 - Mozfest updates - Priyanka
MozFest starts next week, 28th, 29th and 30th of October
10-12 volunteers are sponsored from the Participation team
Volunteers are going to be in the spaces
They are being trained to interact in the spaces
If anyone would like a template for a quote card to use for live tweeting or posting on social during the first ever speaker series the Social Team in SF will be creating one and is happy to share with you. sreed@mozilla.com