Hi my name is Ioana and I am currently at a Music Festival near Cluj, Romania - Latest cool think - my RFID bracelet that I am using to pay things here at the festival.
Shout outs! Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them! ( they wil be tweeted after the meeting)
Daniele Scasciafratte for all his awesome work helping move Reps forward
Christos for offering him today to be the chair-man
Prathamesh for offering to be the note takers
Ioana who is so dedicated that is joining from a mountain
Nuke and Guillermo for helping with the Reps Regional Coaches
To our community spaces who are running events all month long (especially to Irvin and Bob for their efforts in Taipei, averaging over 20 events a month)
Rather than having a Participation space (as last year), we will instead be spreading core Mozillians around MozFest, embedded within other spaces.
Each Space Wrangler to define volunteer roles they would want filled for their space by Mozillians
The call is different than the call for nominations from the previous topic. If you get your topic accepted doesn’t mean you will get sponsored by the participation team
The spaces are 10 and they are in the application form
We are gathering information about the spaces
The spaces wranglers will be involved in the applications
Spaces: Digital Arts and Culture, Localisation, Open Science, Journalism, Moz Ex (art exhibit), A Tale of Two Cities: Dilemmas of Connected Spaces, Demystify the Web (Mozilla Learning Space), Open Badges, Youth Zone, Fuel the Movement
Is the application open for non Reps or non Moziliians? Is it open to anyone?
Right now it is open for Mozillians. core Mozillians
Our goal with this is to have a group of 1-2 people per region (group of countries in the same area/region) that can act as coaches and bring back to the Council local insights about what’s going on, needs, concerns, feedback, ideas and others from local communities in their region, as well as provide guidance on what are the focus initiatives for Mozilla right now and coaching on how to better handle local communities.
This is not a decision making position, it’s a role to help, support and empower local communities from the Reps program. This is a rotational role that will be renewed each 6 months. This call is open for any Rep or Participation Leader.
Role Description
Develop a clear view of local communities status, problems, needs.
Help local communities surface any issues or concerns.
Provide guidance/coaching on Mozilla’s goals to local communities.
Run regular checkins with communities and volunteers in the region.
Coordinate with the rest of regional coaches on a common protocol, best practices.
Be a bridge between communities in the same region.
This role is not a power structure nor a decision maker, it just helps the communities in the region.
Logistic commitment
At least 5h per week to devote to this task.
Have a max of 72h response time to communications.
Be able to meet (audio/video) with regional communities and others.
TOPIC 4 - Social Media updates - Ioana - Read only
Snapchat account @firefoxhq
Instagram: @mozilllagram
First take over from a community - Mozilla Slovenia - brought 600 engagements and increased the following by 10%
Get involved:
Follow @Mozillagram on Instagram & support our teams and communities as they share their stories
Contact Sierra Reed (sreed at mozilla.com) to coordinate a takeover for your next event!
Two new mediums:
Tech (https://medium.com/mozilla-tech) targets developers and other web builders/advocates that will help us showcase what we’re working on and thinking about, make it easier to talk about things at earlier stages, and explain why that work is important to the web and to developers. Mozilla already communicates a lot about consumer-facing products, but we want to talk more about the underlying technologies and the bigger discussions they affect (our mission, impact on the web, etc).
Open Innovation (https://medium.com/mozilla-open-innovation) targets entrepreneurs, startups, academic researchers and natural allies in new areas for Mozilla. As the Internet touches more aspects of our lives, Mozilla’s interests will also broaden, and we will need to connect our thinking with like-minded individuals, organizations and movements around the world. We’ll also showcase how Mozilla is approaching open product explorations, bringing in more diverse perspectives into the project and prototyping new methods of collaboration.
Get Involved
Are you working on a technology that you think we should be talking about more loudly? Have you published anything on a personal blog that you’d like shared to more people? Are you working on a new product area that you want to publicise? We can help - and please note that having a post on an official Medium publication doesn’t preclude you from also blogging yourself, or even cross-posting the same content. Both publications are available to anyone that has a communications need in these spaces. Everyone is invited!
If you have any questions or topic ideas for the Tech publication please reach out to: devmarketingdt at mozilla.com
For the Open Innovation publication, please contact pfinch at mozilla.com.
Share the WebCompatibility tweetshttps://twitter.com/firefox/status/750780461010477056
TOPIC 5 - Featured Future Events (Francisco)
MozConnect with OWASP (Gandhinagar, India) 16th
Introduction to Rust (Makati City, Philippines) 16th
Mozilla Cagliari Developer Day (Cagliari, Italy) 16th
Firefox Coding Event (Pune, India) 19th
TOPIC 6 - Council updates
Most of our call was dedicated to a call with the Indonesian community about their mid term plan
Meeting with George about the planning of Reps and Participation team on the next half of the year
It was a generic meeting and we are going to have a follow up work
We are mainly focusing on Reps Next
Want to be a notetaker or chair the next call? Let us know here