Dinesh Mv, @ dinesh_mv. My fav. GEEKY Tv Series is Big Bang Theory
Laka from London, @ lakatos88, Stargate SG1
Konstantina from Greece, @ couci, my fav geeky tv series is chuck
Daniele from Italy, @ Mte90net, it is a difficult question
Henrik Mitsch, @ hmitsch, The IT Crowd (Have you tried to turn it off and on again?)
Vigneshwer from India @ dvigneshwer Sherlock
Guillermo, my twitter handle is @ deimidis and my favorite geeky TV series is Battlestar Galactica
Francisco, @ francjp, Favorite TV serie is The Avengers (the original one, with Dianna Rigg, the same actress you can find in GoT)
Ruben @ nukeador Battlestar Galactica is my favorite one, of course (Firefly would be the second) good one! so say we all Nuke
Mijanur Rahman @ mijanur_rayhan . My favorite geeky TV series is Mr Robot.
Bahy Mohamed @ __bahy
Rosana @ rosanardila, favorite TV series: El chavo del ocho <- WUT? Geeky tv show! (+1 by Henrik!!)
Irvin, @ irvinfly favorite series: Star Trek
Yuli @ tuxxy my favorite series: Mr. Robot
Semirah, @ semirahd, Big Bang Theory
Dyvik from India
Shout outs!
All MozFest Space Volunteers, and everyone who attended the event, gave a talk, participate, etc.
Big #mozlove to Faye who instead of being at MozFest as planned, stayed with a sick Mozillian in London to make sure they got treatment and started on the road to recovery
Semirah Dolan, who joined Emma Irwin in Houston to run a session that build a VR activity for Campus Clubs, and who truly leads by example — student leadership and activism in open source
Safwan Rahman, who (no exaggeration) saved Emma’s day, by pulled together a Python project, working with me to the last minute to get it right at Grace Hopper Open Source Day.
Kudo, RaRa, Ina, Bob Reyes, Yofie, Brian and Irvin for live streaming MozFest and connecting session in Tokyo, Taipei, Jakarta & Manila space last Sat. night, watch the photos > https://twitter.com/hashtag/MozFestAsia
TOPIC 1 - Mozilla identity and access management ️- Henrik
Persona is leaving us but we are taking care of it
TOPIC 2 - ERIC (equal rating innovation challenge) ️- Rosana Ardila (a blast from the past --> from the Future!!!)
Surfacing the solutions that will connect people to the open web
There is not going to be one solution that will solve all the problems but different solutions will help up tackle to different issues
We are offering mentoring and financial prices for the first 5 winners
The type of solutions we are looking for can vary
4 areas
skills, awarenesses & cultural acceptance
local adoption &use
As a Rep let the world know about equal rating
Identify people or communities/groups who work on interesting projects/have ideas and apply for it
Check the website, it contains all the info you need and resources
Will there be mentoring opportunities even if someone is not a finalist?
if we see that are interesting projects with potentials we will help the projects to move forward even if they don’t make to the finalist
RELEVANT LINKS: equalrating.com
TOPIC 3 - Mozfest - Mozfest volunteers (Priyanka, Daniele, Vigneswer, Ramimba and many more)
Amazing event to discover different project and people
Firefox’s 12yrs B-day next Wednesday! Nov. 9 (2004!!!)
TOPIC 5 - Reps/Regional Team Updates
Arabic CG happened, report coming soon
Mexico CG - preparations continue
Results from Budget survey will be ready tomorrow
Reps SOPs wiki pages are being updated (Kiki is the master there)
Also Swag request form received an update (thank you Kiki)
Second round of Coach training begun yesterday
When is the Mexico community gathering?
Are applications open for new Reps? And will they be reviewed within the pre-ordained time period (3-4 weeks)?? Previously there was a huge gap between the reviewing time for new Rep applications, hence the reason for asking this question.
Council ask for a little more patience here, yes, new applications will be open in the near future, but still the queue is long and we need to onboard the current queue.
We think that it is important to make sure Reps know about the things happening in Participation and any decisions the council makes. We want to use the right ways to communicate our information.
Please complete this short survey to let us know what is important to you and how you like us to communicate with you. The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete and any information you provide will not be shared with anybody outside the Council.
Q4 OKRs Draft
Working on a proposal around Recognition
Updating Reps Applications
NON-VERBAL UPDATES (ie: you can’t attend but want to share something)
Want to be a notetaker or chair the next call? Let us know here