Hi my name is Amine Zaafouri and I am from Tunisia
Heyo, This is Ram from India I loved Dive into Rust activity in activateMozilla campaign.
Hi. this is Ioana from Romania. My favorite activity from activate.mozilla.community is Support the future Mozilla Web engine . Looking forward to be available!
Hello, my name is Gašper and I’m from Slovenia. My favorite activity from Mozilla are Maker party events.
Hello, I’m Guillermo from Argentina (now in Berlin). My favorite activity is the test pilot one
Hi, my name is KaiRo, and I’m from Austria. My favorite Activate Mozilla activity is Defend Internet Privacy and Policy (coming soon)
Hey there! I’m Hugo from Bolivia. My favorite activity is Dive into Rust.
Hello, I’m Liv from Hungary. My favorite activity is Support the future Mozilla Web engine (coming soon).
Hello! I’m Prathamesh and I am from Pune, India. I am still in the learning process!
Hello my name is Sierra and I am from San Francisco. My favorite activity from the Activate community is Rust! I just learned so much more about it and can’t wait to see all of the wonderful things that will come from the communities.
Vigneshwer From Coimbatore India.Getting addicted to rust and contributing to web compat
Hello my name is Md Atique Ahmed Ziad and I am from Bangladesh.
Hello my name is Jb and i am from Uganda
Hi my name is Anonymous
Hi I am harsha bandaru from hyderabad
Shout outs!
Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them! ( they will be tweeted after the meeting)
#mozlove to Flore Allemandou, Michael Kohler, Alex Lakatos and Adriano Cupello and congrats for the new role they are in!
Big Thank you and #mozlove to Christos Bacharakis, Shahid Farooqui and Arturo Martinez for their hard work during their term as Reps Councils Members.
#MozLove to Ioana for taking care of the whole process for the council elections
Thanks to all the mozillians that participate at European Community Gathering this past weekend as well as Brian and Guillermo for organizing it! +100
And to all Volunteers that helps on ViewSource conference!
Guillermo and Brian for driving the EU Community gathering
#MozLove to Ioana for taking over Mozillagram for over a week. She received some of the best engagement and did our first set of Instagram stories from View Source. #clap
AGENDA TOPIC 1 - Council Elections - Ioana
I’m not sure if anyone from Japan on the call, but I know they had a large, active FSA program. Have they been looped into the change?
e-board informed, mails sent - open on Monday
Does a club need to have at least 3-4 people for all “positions” (captain, executives) to apply to the program? @lucyeoh?
would it be possible to put a redirection from campus.mozilla.org (which does not exist) to campus.mozilla.community because people are so used to …mozilla.org and they end up on a 404 ACTIONS:
Sign up to become a Regional Coordinator
Start talking to students about starting a Campus Club RELEVANT LINKS:
Our Rust group in Bolivia is ready to go! We have an agreement with the largest university in the country.
Hey everyone! I can’t stay for the entire call as I have a sprint meeting with marketing but we are doing an open call for blogs! Do you have content that you’d like to share? Are you looking to try blogging? Mozilla Open Mic wants you! Our goal is to have content coming in from around the world on a consistent basis. Right now we have three posts with two more on the way. You can check out the Medium page at: https://medium.com/mozilla-open-mic If you have questions, comments, concerns or content you’d like shared, please contact Sierra Reed. sreed@mozilla.com, IRC: sreed; Telegram: sierrar
One last update - do you run a social channel for your community? Do you work closely with someone who does run social for your community? Join the Social Champions mailing list to get once a week emails from me and collaborate with other Mozilla social mavens! Contact Sierra Reed for more info: sreed@mozilla.com, IRC: sreed1, Telegram: sierrar
Next week-end European heritage days in Paris mozilla office, we take over mozillagram