(Chiorean Ioana)
April 13, 2017, 1:31pm
Aloha Reps,
For today’s call please check the agenda and please add your own topics. Do not be shy, we know that you do amazing things!
AirMO video:
Weekly call details:
TOPIC 1 - Reps Elections - @ioana
TOPIC 2 - New activity is coming up! - Konstatina
TOPIC 3 - Swag Survey - Kiki
TOPIC 4 - Events - Francisco
TOPIC 5 - Council update - Alex Lakatos
TOPIC 6 - ROM moment - Vishal & Rao
And your topic! - feel free to add it on etherpad
PS: As always we encourage you to add some shout outs! We have amazing reps doing amazing work! Let’s send them some #mozlove !
(Chiorean Ioana)
June 4, 2017, 9:37am
Raw notes here .
ReMo Portal Event - If you attended this call or watched the AirMo recording, please mark yourself as an attendee here: (both reps or mozillians)
ADD YOUR NAME, your TWITTER Handle aaaaaaaaannd your favorite #Repsmoment (if you have a picture link even better) - wow
Konstantina @ Konstantina_P favorite #Repsmoment webmaker train the trainer event in Athens 2013
Vibhanshu Chaudhary | @ vibhanshu95
Srushtika Neelakantam, @ Srushtika,
Umesh Agarwal @ umesh_agarwal1| All hands Orlando
Chandan Baba @ cbaba20 |
Elio Qoshi - @ elioqoshi
Ioana Chiorean - @ ioana_cis - my fa #RepsMoment was also webmaker train the trainer event in Athens 2013 but as K mentioned it already will think of another one -
Sierra Reed, @ SimplxeSierra, meeting many of you in Hawaii!
KaiRo, notwitter, Mozfest 2012
Irvin, @ irvinfly, Summit 2013 SFO,
Siddhartha Rao - @ siddhartharao17 - Singapore LS
Cynthia Pereira - @ cynthiapereira_
Atique Ahmed Ziad - @atiqueahmedziad
Rishu Goenka - @GoenkaRishu
Edoardo Viola - @edovio , Now!
Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them! ( they will be tweeted after the meeting)
Do not forget to congratulate Trishul and Faye on their big wedding day -
#mozlove to Prathamesh and Umesh for all their hard work on local swag in India +1+1+1 Thank You Guys-Umesh
#mozlove to Abhiram and Vaibhav for running the first TS-Reps collaboration event
K for being an amazing host each week
TOPIC 1 - Ioana - Reps Elections are coming
Track Issue -
Keep an eye on it - these days (literally will be populated with more info)
Still under work
draft to better communicate the roles and commitment needed by a council member
nomination and vote process will last for a week each but pls do announce it so all reps be prepared for it.
Pls write to Ioana ( chiorea.ioana at ) or peers (reps-peers at )
TOPIC 2 - New activity is coming up! - Konstantina
TOPIC 3 - Swag Survey - Kiki
Check the results -
people are not satisfied with the global shipping process
people are really happy with the local swag process
Is the link sharable?
yes it is
Is the list of the swag somewhere?
not now but this is part of the improvements we are doing now
TOPIC 4 - Facebook experiment - Srushtika (on behalf of the team)
To make reps and their activities more visible to non reps so they get motivated to apply for reps !
To revoke excitement in existing reps and make them active again !
Team: Yofie, Mayur, Vishal, Srushtika
Introduced #RepsMoments
Introduced design template for announcing ROM
Going to introduce occasional generic posts concerning information about the Reps Programme.
Stats till now:
4 #RepsMoments posted
1 ROM post
Let’s talk numbers ! In the last 28 days, these are the insights of the Mozilla Reps Facebook page :
Page views: 240 (64% increase)
Page likes: 52 (73% increase)
Reach: 3887 (216% increase)
Post engagements: 1756 (614% increase)
* Github Repo
TOPIC 5 - ROM moment - Vishal - Rao
Topic 6 - Chandan
Share some candid moments about our awesome reps trishul and Faye so Mozilla India Social channel can produce a blog and give them a beautiful present
Suggestions are open.
Please Share images/Links here :
on telegram pm me @cbaba20
NON-VERBAL UPDATES (ie: you can’t attend but want to share something)
(don’t be shy and add random feedback, questions about the program here)
Please let us know your opinion about this call here!
Featured Events by Francisco should be brought back!