Hi, my name is Mijanur and I am from Bangladesh, My favorite TV show of all time was MacGyver.
Hi, my name is @Mte90 and I am from Italy. My favorite TV show of all time was Dragon ball i guess.
Hi my name is @couci from Greece and my favorite tv show was Chuc
Hi my name is @alex_lakatos from London and my favourite tv show was Chuck
Hi my name is @christophe and i am from Paris in France, My favorite TV Show is Captain Harlock
Hi, I’m @jobaval10n and I am from the internet My Favorite TV show of all time… hard to say, Dune Miniseries?
Hi my name is @lucyeoh and I am from Toronto. My favorite show of all time is/was 30 Rock.
Hi my name is Emin @emin nd I am from Azerbaijan. My favoirite show of all time is Last Week Tonight.
Hi my name is @dinesh , I am from India. My favorite TV show of all time (hard to put one :D)
Hi, i am Ioana and I am from Cluj and my fav itv show is The Big Bang Theory,(cool) Scandal, HTGAWM, Criminal Minds, etc
Hola, @nukeador here from Spain. Favourite TV show: I can’t choose, too many good ones!!
12.Hi my name is Amine @Zaafouri and I am from Tunisia My favorite tv show of all times is/was F.R.I.E.N.D.S
Shout outs! Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them!
To @Ioana who gave a great talk on webcompat at Dev Talks Cluj and held a panel on protecting personal data
To @alex_lakatos for giving a great talk on Firefox OS and transition to Connected Devices at Code Camp Cluj
To the Reps that participated in OSCAL
AGENDA TOPIC 1 - OSCAL - Elio, Kristi, Alex and Daniele
Held in Tirana ️ 70 people that came from abroad
Presentations inside Mozilla
Talk about Reps Next
Talk about local community
We also had WilliamQ
25 Mozillians
We hope for a bigger and better event next year
What was the highlight of the event from Mozilla perspective?
William Q was there and gave a talk about his experiences as a community manager at Mozilla. It’s one of the few times (apart MozBalkans) where over 25 Mozillians meet at the same place.
ACTIONS:Interested in being part of the Reps input group? Talk to Ruben!Check the timeline on how are going to proceed on George’s blogpostRELEVANT LINKS: