Hi my name is Konstantina from Athens, Greece, my favorite band is Muse
Hi my name is Amine @Zaafouri and I am from Tunisia My favorite band is … Hmm, what a hard question
Hi this is Harsha Bandaru and my fav band is RedHot Chilli Peppers
Hi, my name is Christos and I am from Thessaloniki. My favorite band is faithless (they are coming to Cluj ).
Hi my name is Mahmood Qudah, and I am from jordan . My favorite band is nth
Hi my name is Lucy and I am from Toronto. My favorite band is Frightened Rabbit (but I also love Taylor Swif)
Hi my name is Rosana and I am from Colombia. I don’t have a favorite bad, I love so many!
10.Hi my name is George and I am frontreal. My favorite band is U2.
Hi my name is Shagufta and I am from Pune, India. No particular favorite band. I like music that sounds good
Hi my name is Abhiram and I’m from India! My favorite band is One Direction
Hi, My name is Anis and I’m from Dhaka, Bangladesh. My favorite band is Coldplay/LP and many more
Hi, I’m Ina from Jakarta-Indonesia, and my favorite band is U2 and Radiohead. I wrote about U2 as my final project to graduate from university:D
Hi My name is Quentin i’m from Lille in France and my favorite brand is YES
Hi, I’m Vuyisile from Zimbabwe. Don’t like bands
HI, I’m Towaha from Sylhet, Bangladesh, my favourite band is Powerwolf;
Hi, I am Ikram from Dhaka and my favourite band is a local one, Artcell.
Hi I am Viswaprasth from Chennai Emma from Sooke and my favourite band is Coldplay or old punk rock/metal music (contrast)
Trishul from IndiaHi, my name is Mijanur, and I am from Bangladesh. My favorite band is Warfaze.
Hi my name is Ibel, and I am from Nicaragua. My favorite band is Bigbang.
Shout outs!
to William Q, he is one of the reason Reps exist and we couldn’t be more thankful for all his work +1000000+1000000
Happy Easter for those Reps we are celebrating this weekend
Abhiram & Kumaresan for kick-starting Campus Campaign planning at Mozilla Kerala, Kochi (from FSA team) Ref: abhiramrk.com/setting-the-stage/
Happy Holi!
Lucy & team, thank you for getting the campaign website out! Drumroll. (takebacktheweb.mozilla.community) (Abhiram) <3
Konstantina and Ioana for making this call better every time, seeing all the participation leaders here is fantastic! <3 +1000<3
Do I automatically get nominated when I nominate someone else?
No, no self nominations
If I am nominated I am directly invited?
No, all nominated persons will get an invite to apply - we wanted to check availability and desire to participate
TOPIC 1 - Technical contributors & speakers, connected devices, women in MozPune - Shagufta
Goal: more tehnical contributions and getting more women+++🙌 (not only) into Connected devices
Started CD learning group in our college . College has issued us 3 raspberry pi2 for now. :D1 month long ideathon in college so people can submit there ideas for Mozilla connected devices. Already received details of ideas like Traffic intensity detector, Smart hospital storage
Bug Fixing hackathon( Bugzilla, bugsahoy, working on bugs and sending PRs)
QUESTIONS: How the learning group was organized?
We meet on regular intervals to discuss and work upon what we have learn new. Mostly FSAs but even others are there. We started with implementing the regular assignments we have in our curriculum, for RPi, like using MPI programming for RPi clusters. We are learning further and exploring we can implement our ideas . We use the documentation, cookbook, and the user guide.
Revamping the community comms (moving over to Discourse, Github, Telegram)
Reorganizing the Education project → transitioning from Firefox OS to Progressive WebApps
JSConf Budapest Coming up - Mozilla is a GOLD sponsor, we’ll have a whole HackerLounge, preparing lots of stuff for that, community working on apps showcase, games, etc.
Plus local events and such still doing Mozilla presences across Hungary
TOPIC 5- What we are working on in the council - (non verbal today)
Innovation Fund: we’re still working on the details (finalize the commitee, criteria)
Evolution of the Reps program: All respective working groups are getting feedback from everyone through meeting and discussion. You still have time to participate by reviewing the notes on discourse and providing your valuable feedback. We have finished the mentor assignments, please get in touch with them if you got one assigned