Hi, my name is @emin, and I am from Azerbaijan. My main contribution areas in Mozilla is L10n, Coding, Community
Hi, My name is Dyvik Chenna, and I am from India. My main contribution area in Mozilla is Community Building, Support
Hi, my name is Mahendra Shrivas from Accra Ghana. My main contributions area in Mozilla is community building, Webmaker & Firefox Club.
Ioana - currently in FRA airport
Konstantina today from Berlin. My main contribution is supporting all of you Thank You! +1
Hi my name is Amine @Zaafouri and I am from Tunisia My main contribution area in Mozilla is Community Management
HI My Name is @heyvp7 and I am from Tamilnadu, India, My main area of Contribution in Mozilla is Firefos OS app reviewers, previously FSA E-board (Tech), Currently builidng Community in our region and learning webExtension
Hi, my name is @Vnisha and I am from Uttar Pradesh, India. My main area of contribution in Mozilla is Community Building, MLN, MLS, L10N.
Hi My name is @istiaque Ahamed, and I am from Bangladesh, My main area of Contribution in Mozilla is webmaker
My name is @lucyeoh and today I am a Berliner!Hi my name is Yofie from Jakarta, Indonesia.
Hi, I am @hossainalikram from Dhaka, Bangladesh. My main contribution area in Mozilla is QA
Hi, I am Andre Garzia and I am from Niterói, Brasil. My main contribution area in Mozilla is Mozilla Clubs and Connected Devices (and one day uniing them both)
Hi, my name is Guillermo Movia and my main contribution to Mozilla is localize web pages to Spanish Argentina (es-AR),
BobChao from Taiwan. Main contribution: community building, l10nI’m
Rara from Indonesia, currently hang around in the Berlin office my main contribution is mostly in the Reps program, community development and events
Anis from Dhaka, Bangladesh, my main contribution area in Mozilla is Coding, FSA, Advocacy
Brian today from Berlin. My main contribution is to ensure the Participation team is having enough fun
Nootan Ghimire, Kathmandu Nepal. Leading l10n in Nepal, Trying to contribute in coding… (I’m on AirMo)
Shout outs!
Yofie who is responsible for the beautiful new designs that will be coming out on the Take Back The Web website on Friday! +1+1+1
Daniele: for the amazing work in the working groups!!! +2+10000+1+1
Final steps for the Reps NextRoad map for the program moving forward
Sunday is a joint day for Participation and Council for alignment
We will have meeting with Mozilla leadership
TOPIC 2 - Last Chance to Sign-Up for Take Back The Web Campaign!
Update - over 316 teams (over 1,115 individuals!), 185 coaches
Still room for more teams and coaches! Especially looking to everyone in Europe, South America! Review process for local coaches & teams
Question: Should teams and coaches not linked with educational institutions can apply?
This campaign runs on Campuses so the teams need to be in there, Coaches not necessarily
Are the resources localized?
For now we are in English, we are working on localizing the major languages that applied firstly and then the rest of the languages
We are already doing those things as part of Reps, FSA and Software Freedom Communities in University campuses, so what is difference? (sorry for asking after the call)
The Community Experimentation Launchpad is in full motion, the first 3 canvas are in. Currently we’re designing a way to make the process as open and transparent as possible and to refine our criteria. We’ll keep you posted in the Reps calls.
We’re looking for methods and frameworks to make the process transparent and open while preserving safety and inclusivity (does that word exists?).
We’re reviewing the current submissions and will be iterating over them soon
We’d like to know more about your ideas and wishes for transparency in this process
Call to Action for 30+ Firefox Clubs (including old, new & upcoming) in Pakistan to register their Campus Team & participate in the upcoming “Take Back The Web” Campus Campaign [Done] - Hasan