We are working on the groups in mozillians, much more functionality
Check the stats, it gets info from mozilla.org (it’s update on vouched and unvouched people per country)
If you are aware of someone doing any work on profiles point them to the API
I wanted to know more about the same. Specially on current vouching policy. -
By vouching policy do you mean the mechanism? It is as simple as someone already vouched by 3 mozillians, commenting and adding a vouch for you on the site.
We are looking into dis-engaging the vouching system from access management (that would move over to metrics-based status). Just some brainstorming around it.
Thanks for pointed it out. Most of Mozillians here are unvouched here. It will help us alot.
Thanks for the update. I’m the only active rep in here and my status in unvouched try to contact but no response on it.
Name and email on mozillians please
I strongly believe, there is need of improvement.
Can you give an example how a group and an application make the life of a Mozillian easier?
ACTIONS: Have questions? ask pierros[at]mozilla.com
The new id is going to be influenced by our community, is open source and it indicates one Mozilla. There will be multiple ways to participate in the process, especially the community design team will be working on challenges. The process is documented in the open so you can see how to participate. There will be a group making the final decision after all the input has been taken in. Not a result of a majority vote
STATEMENTS and comments: Mozilla is uniquely positioned by her history and structure to promote people-centric internet experiences, now with a greater focus on privacy and safety online.
E-mail to be shared with details about the campus campaign coming up
Presentation will be online
Will be sharing discourse topic for people to share ideas as well!
It might be worth going through the student unions they will be able to push this onto campuses as they are the main contact for campaigns and community’s within a college / uni
Can we bring another topic beside privacy awareness (maybe about iot) when we doing campus campaign in campuses?
We can bring and also we can bring/host new projects.
TOPIC 5 - Slovenia meet-up Gasper and Nino
First meeting in the year
We have new members
We worked on l10n, campus campaign (how we should move in Slovenia, how to protect student privacy), privacy events
We prepared some video material
Graphic material is sharable so everybody can use it