Raw Notes here.
ReMo Portal Event - If you attended this call or watched the AirMo recording, please mark yourself as an attendee here: https://reps.mozilla.org/e/remo-call-10-11-16-1/ (both reps or mozillians)
ADD YOUR NAME, your TWITTER Handle aaaaaaaaannd your favorite Disney movie (if you don’t like Disney add your favorite kid’s movie)
1.Harsha Bandaru, @ harsshhaa; Aladdin is my all time favorite of Disney
2. Brian King, @ brianking, The Wizard of Oz (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0032138/)
3. Srushtika Neelakantam, @ Srushtika , Frozen (big olaf fun!)
4. Dipesh Monga, @ Diipeshmonga,Monsters University
5. Bob Reyes, @ bobreyes, Toy Story
6. Konstantina, @ couci, Pocahontas
7. Abbackar diomande ,abbackardiomand , Simpson
8. Robert Kaiser, no twitter, Tron
9. Michael Kohler, @KohlerSolutions, let it snow… let it snow… why is that stuck in my head now? noooooo
10. sandeep @sandeep81910240
11. Francisco, @ francjp, the movie that traumatized me as kid was: The Black Cauldron
12. Kiki, Deryan, and Lidya, @ id_mozilla, we loooove Frozen
13. Prathamesh Chavan, @ pathfinderpc
14. Jonathan Lin, @ jlin - I’m in Toronto, running the Air Mozilla Stream! Favourite kid’s movie is Finding Nemo (well, Pixar also counts right!?) of course!
15. Henrik Mitsch, @ hmitsch, Lion King - singing “can you feel the love tonight” right now
16. Mrinal Jain @ mrinal140
17. Sumanth Damarla @ Sumanth_Damarla Inside Out
18. Kumaresan.C.S, @ cskumaresan ,
19. Adriano Cupello @ londrix Aladdin
20. Yofie Setiawan, @ yofiesetiawan
21. Ram, @ ram_gurumukhi
22. Dyvik @ dyvik100
23. Rishu Goenka @ RishuGoenka, Oz the Great and Powerful
Shout outs!
Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them! ( they will be tweeted after the meeting)
- #MozLove to Thiago Policena (@ thiagopolicena) for organizing Mozilla Activate activities at the Goiano Free Software Forum!!!
- Luis Sanchez (Lasr21) for his amazing help at the Mexico Gathering last weekend
- Ram Vaishnav for his leadership in helping put together the WebVR activate activity, and amazing energy in building a WebVR community in India
- big #mozlove to Nikos for all his amazing work on building the mozactivate website
TOPIC 1 - Mozactivate - What we did, what’s new, what’s coming -Brian
- What happended so far in MozActivate:
- 19 event in 6 weeks
- 37 in october
- 37 in November
- 19 in December (so far)
- Asia is the most active communities conducting many MozActivate events
- We have the leaderboard, showing who’s the most active mozillian organizing MozActivate events
- Feedback or questions to Brian please send it to bking@mozilla.com
- Next?
- There will be a chance for localizer to help on localizing the website soon
- Getting metric & learning before Hawaii all hands
- Plan on more activities for next year
- Get involve!
- Follow & join us on github https://github.com/mozilla/activate.mozilla.community
- Survey
- Localization
- Focus for rest of the year on 3 activities - Dive Into Rust, WebVR Camp, and Web Compatibility Sprint
- https://activate.mozilla.community/activities/
- Host survey coming soon, to find on more on what has been working and not what. The goal is to make a better program.
- what are the projects you’re considering taking into the campaign?
- Nightly testing
- Firefox hacking with the Janitor
- Issues agenda activities, e.g. something around Privacy
- how reps can help more?
- Work with web developers and local communities to raise awareness of Mozilla and general Web goodness
- A non-goal is recruiting Mozillians
- Today’s slides : https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17P1OSiKs_g0e1KwLGprAZFnnNrftmcC0TykugFNIy84/edit?usp=sharing
- Leaderboard : https://activate.mozilla.community/leaderboard/
TOPIC 2 - Mozactivate Rockstars
- Your experience
- What resonated mostly with you
- what are your future plans
Michael Kohler
- Events:
- (prior Campaign) https://www.meetup.com/Mozilla-Meetup-Switzerland/events/231268531/
- https://www.meetup.com/Mozilla-Meetup-Switzerland/events/233292936/
- https://www.meetup.com/Mozilla-Meetup-Switzerland/events/234883249/
- Blog post about the Servo hackathon:
- Servo milestone on GitHub for the hackathon: https://github.com/servo/servo/milestone/6
- Challenges:
- finding knowledge around Rust (we were fortunate enough!)
- learning Rust is not easy when coming from Web Dev
- Future:
- Support Rust Meetup
- WebVR seems interesting, we might follow up with that one at the beginning of next year (inspiration welcome!)
Robert Reyes
- Experience
- Conducted several Rust 101 events (since Apr 2016) to gain traction and following from local Mozillians.
- Challenges
- Lack of capable local mentors to teach the programming language (Rust).
- Future Plans
- Currently formulating a weekly check-in mechanism among local Rust mentors to bring the level of confidence and mastery of the programming language a notch higher.
- Tapping the expertise of local VR Community for WebVR-related events soon.
Geraldo Barros
- My experience:
- The campaign really is very important, it has been structured very well, the activities are clear, objective and we have a complete guide to develop and organize the activity together with the program and the communities, the website is also localizable, this is important for my community, all of the community could develop activities because we have the site in our language. I have developed and supported volunteers in developing activities, all activities are very important and easy, I would like to see next year activities related to advocacy and web literacy too.
- What resonated mostly with you:
- The learning of new projects and ways of working, organizing and teaching different workshops. It is a great opportunity to learn new things and share knowledge with the local community.
- What are your future plans:
- The guide and website of the campaign is very good, clear and objective, but I would like to empower new people, not technical, to develop many of these campaign activities, an online training or fast course for each activity is an important action for next year . It is an important strategy for the growth of the campaign in my country.+1
Ram and Srushtika
- Experience:
- One of the best campaigns by Mozilla. The website if pretty much self explanatory for newbies. I’m associated with the WebVR India. Because of Ram and others, it’s really active and inspiring many new comers to join the team and contribute. We have had a number of WebVR activities and lot of talks around it by the community members in India. With both global and local(Indian) communication channels in place and direct help from the staff, this particular area is gonna move forward really swiftly.
- What’s best:
- The community as always. It’s always inspiring to experiment new and amazing stuff, together !
- PS: The leaderboard on MozActivate website is lovely !
- Suggestion: It would be great if the leaderboard or mozactivate in general counts all kinds of impressions (talks, blogs, teaching kits, etc) and not just activities around the MozActivate areas
- Here’s what’s cooking in WebVR India.(Current news and future plans)
- A github organisation that records all kinds of contributions (Events, Talks, Media impressions) towards WebVR in India. (https://github.com/webvr-india )
- A wiki page describing the WebVR India and active contributors. (https://wiki.mozilla.org/India /WebVR/ )
- Working on an exclusive GH pages website with how to get started and more info.
- Awesome (Rust-like) cheat sheets/cards on WebVR/A-Frame.
- Welcome tutorial for beginners.
- Monthly calls
Kumaresan C S
- My experience:
- I have nice experience working with Mozillians in different parts of the world.Clear guidelines from the Mozactive website made me to organize well structured events.Mozillians are very interested in working with us because of the versatility that Mozilla always try to keep with them
- What resonated mostly with you:
- I have conducted several events in my community that helped me to communicate with other people which in turn helped me to acquire knowledge in various levels.And also I have learned of new projects and ways of working, organizing and teaching different workshops.
- what are your future plans:
- Mozilla Kerala Community are planning to spread the knowledge by conducting several events which includes mozvr,Rust,Web-compatibility,IOT event etc.We had got clear guidelines from the Mozactive website.So it will be very easy for us to plan for that.We would like to empower the community in remote areas for that, we are planning to reach out to schools and colleges to introduce Mozilla and its mission to the students thus widening their knowledge and inviting them to work hand in hand to built a better Internet and their knowledge base.
- Coming events are listed below
- December 17 -MozVR
- December 18 -Comparability
- December 19 -MozVR&Web Compatibility and Test pilot sprint
- My experience:
- The events are helping to mobilize the volunteers who are particularly interested to contribute in the emerging technologies. I can see the enthusiasm amongst the contributors in India. Also, the resources are locally produced and are made available to all the organizers in India.
- What resonated mostly with you:
- Its amazing to be the Konstantina of India
(Mozactive Swag Manger ) <3 Hahaha
- what are your future plans:
- We would be shipping the MozActivae swags to all the organizers in India. (The swag request process goes through Bugzilla). Also, personally, I would be organizing many MozActivate events staring from the last week of December.
TOPIC 3 - Participation Systems (Henrik)
- The new login system will require an email to sign in, then you will get an activation email to be able to sign up. Mozillan Moderator has been transitioned couple days ago, then Mozillians.org was transitioned yesterday, then Reps portal will be transitioned on next Monday, also Discourse sometimes between today & Tuesday.
ACTIONS: - Be excited on Monday! Persona is going away from the Reps Portal.
QUESTIONS: - Are the Discourse updates on https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/c/participationsystems (release notes, sprint mails, occasional strategic update) meaningful to you?
- Not so much:
- Keep going:
- Can’t live without it: amazing!!
- (Not) unrelated:
- Who knows Bitergia’s Grimoire Lab (http://grimoirelab.github.io/ ) ?
- Who has experience in Kibana?
- https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/c/participationsystems
- https://moderator.mozilla.org
- https://mozillians.org
- https://reps.mozilla.org