ReMo Portal Event - If you attended this call or watched the AirMo recording, please mark yourself as an attendee here: (both reps or mozillians)
Emin Mastizada, @ em94mu, beside Mozilla I also contribute to Django Framework and many other FOSS projects.
VIbhanshu Chaudhary | @ vibhanshu95 | Local IoT Community
Daniele Scasciafratte, Mte90net, beside Mozilla I also contribute to WordPress and many other FOSS projects and communities.
Prathamesh Chavan, @ pathfinderpc and besides Mozilla, I also contribute to the reason for which my mom gets angry at times
Konstantina @ Konstantina_P beside Mozilla I also contribute to my local caving club as an instructor assistant and did a brief pass on fedora localization
Lucy @ lucyeharris, besides Mozilla I contribute to my local food blog website
Robert Kaiser (KaiRo), notwitter, and I contribute to OpenStreetMap as well as being a (financial) supporter of SFConservancy, KDE, and the Planetary Society.
Kiki, @ kelimuttu. I used to contribute to a local open source community in my uni
Flore, @ flore_dvk beside mozilla, I contribute to family life (or my kids contribute to making council meetings more… animated)
Umesh Agarwal @ umesh_agarwal1 | beside Mozilla I contribute to Splunk Good to see you Umesh bhai \o/ @ prathamesh you messed up my sentence
Francisco, and beside Mozilla I contribute to an NGO
Amine Zaafouri , @ ZaafouriFF aaaaaaaaannd beside Mozilla I also contribute to AIESEC
Cynthia Pereira, @ cynthiapereira_ | beside Mozilla I also contribute to distribute chocolates to underprivileged community around me. =)
Atique Ahmed Ziad, @ atiqueahmedziad
Bala Subramaniyan | @ balapandu222 | Beside Mozilla, I contribute to Google Local Guides, Open Street Maps & more.
Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them! ( they will be tweeted after the meeting)
#mozlove to Alex Lakatos and Michael Kohler for all their hard work on building the activate website
#mozlove to Mehul, Prathamesh, Vigneswher and Umesh for starting planning the RainofRust series of events
#mozlove to Geraldo Barros for support the whole Brazilian community including the new Reps!
TOPIC 1 - Lucy - Community Development OKRs
It derived from the O/I KR4. See Discourse post for details.
Q2 time frame?
Q is stand for Quarter. So it is from April - June
How’s that (referring to 500 contributors) measured:
We’re watching our repos.
Does it means that we’re discourage to do the other activities other than MozActivate (referring to 70% activities are on activate)?
not really. This mean that we’re prioritizing budget for MozActivate activities, but ofc Reps can still organize others events.
More questions? Deep-dive by talking to the following people: