Hello Reps,
today at 16:00 UTC is our final call for the year and it is dedicated to all the amazing work that the communities are being doing around the globe.
Communities that will share:
Cote d’Ivoire
You can check the agenda and add your own topic too
ReMo Portal Event - If you attended this call or watched the AirMo recording, please mark yourself as an attendee here: https://reps.mozilla.org/e/remo-call-29-12-2016/ (both reps or mozillians)
ADD YOUR NAME, your TWITTER Handle aaaaaaaaannd one of your goals for 2017 is…
Hi, my name is Mijanur ( @ mijanur_rayhan) and my 2017 goal is to graduate myself.
Hi, my name is Geraldo (@ geraldobarros_) and my 2017 goal is participate at Mozilla Science Lab
Hi, my name is Cynthia @ cynthiazanoni and my 2017 goal is work to improve women in tech community in my country
Hi, my name is Atique, @ atiqueahmedziad and my 2017 goal is to attend in university and learn RUST.
Hi my name is Konstantina @ couci and my 2017 goal is to bike more and to imploment the Reps Resources training
Hi my name is Christophe @ hellosct1 and my 2017 is to make a good Rep and the best cookies Firefox
Hi my name is Christos, @ bacharakis and one of my goals for 2017 is to read more books.
Hi, my name is Gašper, @ GapsoNtm and my plan is to make 2017 the best ever
Hi my name is Luna, @ bittin and for goal for 2017 i will continue translate Firefox for iOS into Swedish and help at FOSDEM
Hi my name is Irvin @ irvinfly and my goal for 2017 is going to some more countries
Hi my name is Liv , @ Liv_oni and my goal for 2017 is Suprise!
Hie, my name is Rishu Goenka , @ rishugoenka and my goal for 2017 is to be recognize by my community name
Hi, my name is Trishul @ trishulgoel my 2017 goal is to explore remote parts of India
Hola! My name is Yuli @ tuxxy
Hi, my Name is Viswaprasath @ iamvp7 my 2017 goal is to scale community 2x and bring More Mozilla Reps & FSA
Hi,my name is Aka @ AkaBYannick my 2017 goal is to contributing in more mozilla Projects and host more technical events
Hi, my name is Amine Zaafouri ( @ zaafouriFF ) , one of my goal for 2017 is to enjoy more contributing to Mozilla Projects
Hi my name is Semirah (@ semirahd) one of my 2017 goals is to enable more Mozillians in North America & reignite/reboot the community
Hi my name is Daniele (@ mte90net) one of my goals is to remember to configure better notifications on my calendar
Hi, My name is Adriano and my goal to 2017 is to start a plan to make a Mozilla space in Brazil!
Hi my name is Manuela and my goal to 2017 is empower more women in Mozilla and better organisation for
Ram from Mozilla India
Hi , my name is Abbackar @ abbackardiomand and my goal is translate Firefox in NOUCHI "local langage from Cote d’Ivoire "
Srushtika from India, @ Srushtika. What i’m hoping to achieve in 2017 is a secret
Ajay Kumar Jogawath from India, @ AjayKJogawath
Ioana @ ioana_cis
Shout outs!
Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them! ( they will be tweeted after the meeting)
to Ram for being the rep of the month
to Ioana for uploading all the meeting notes
to Daniele and VP7 for all the insightful feedback at the Resources track
Review team for reducing the budget process time by 30% in the last 3 months!
TOPIC 1 - Mozilla Italia - Daniele & Edoardo
How many people are in your community?
15 mozillians
2 Reps, 1 in pending for the webinar
4 Tech Speakers
1 Mozilla Campus Clubs Regional Coordinator, 2 in pending
What you achieved as a community that you’re most proud of?
New volunteers on board with new Mozilla Campus Clubs and Mozilla Clubs
TOPIC 6 : In 2016, what are you most proud of?
(Name/community - what did you do or your community and you are proud of in 2016?)
Slovenia-Gasper: we had 3 maker parties and it was a good starting point
Mozilla Clubs and Mozilla Campus Clubs in Italy
MozTW, we run Taipei community space pretty well in 2016. Total 179 events hosted in space from Apr to Nov, including 86 dev-rels. There are meetup, speak and workshops from Mozilla and other OSS communities. And we had introduced Mozilla to 538 new visitors.
Mozilla North American community: proud of gathering Mozillians and having regular community meetings to define 2017 goals - Semirah
Srushtika: Became a rep. Proud of being a contributor to the WebVR india group !Super proud of having Konstantina as my mentor ! <3 (Y)
NON-VERBAL UPDATES (ie: you can’t attend but want to share something)
Reminder for the https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/c/mozillians/nda we now have a place to discuss NDA topics. Take some time during holidays to watch the townhalls and provide comments on the topics, is key to demonstrate Reps interest in the future of the org.