Hi, my name is Larissa, and I am from Santa Cruz, California, USA (though New York originally)
Hi my name is Mrinal and I am from Indore, India
Hi my name is Salman Rahman Desh, and I am from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I love to have FoxFooding Team in the call next time to talk with us about Bug Triage!
Hi my name is Christos and I am from Greece. I love to have more Reps from different regions in the call next time to share success stories about their communities.
Hello, my name is Sunnat from Bangladesh.
Hi my name is Konstantina and I’m from Greece.
Hi, my name is Mijanur and I am from Bangladesh.
Hi, my name is Michael and I’m from really cold Switzerland BSOD yeeeee
Hi my name is George and today I’m in Toronto – and all of my possessions are on a boat to Berlin!!
Hello, Ruben here from Spain
Emma - rainy BC Canada
Hi my name is Yofie, from Jakarta, Indonesia.
Hi my Name is Bolaram , from Bangladesh
Hi my name is Manuela, from Ivory Coast, Africa
Shout outs!
Mijanur for helping promoting the call in telegram
Faye who shared the philippines planning although she can’t be here with us to present
Christos and council for rocking out the activity campaign!
German speaking community for working on their mid-term plans, almost ready!Jafar for running #mozthanks campaign in INDIA
Kensie for starting the #mozthanks campaign
Daniele and the italian community on putting together the draft planning for Italy
TOPIC 1 - Diversity and inclusion - Larissa Shapiro
Presentation on what we’re doign to listen and build strategy
Specific focus on stuff happening in Orlando and Singapore
Listening to you!
Q: How should people in regional communities all over the world personalize the word ‘inclusion?’ Is that in what we do, or who we are as communities? Is that being purposeful about inviting in different people?
A: It’s both what we do and who we are. What we do needs to be inclusive and thinking on who we might get/invite people. We need to be intentionally welcoming
Q: How can Reps give you feedback on D&I in their part of the project/region, or ask questions ?
A: Reach out via e-mail, or irc or telegram
ACTIONS:If you will be in Orlando, sign up for workshops and focus groups! Details are in Sched and your inbox; If you won’t be in Orlando, you have more chances, reach out to Larissa: inclusion@mozilla.com or in #diversity or #mozillians to join a focus group
* Slides here.
Reps that are going to be transfered in alumni will receive a certificate to owe are still working on it on how to identify impaction activities
elections - we had delays on the onboarding process but it has started this week improving the Reps program - we are gathering all the proposals that have been submitted in order to make a final proposal that will be aligned with mozilla goals. The proposal will be shared later this week, early next week
(ie: you can’t attend but want to share something)