Where to find help if i need technical assistance for a l10n?


Can you please help me with technical assistance for a l10n or guide me in where to ask for such assistance?

The problem is that there is no result in my l10n although i use the same code as the en-US page:

<p>{{EmbedLiveSample("A_simple_example", 650, 60)}}</p>

This is the page https://wiki.developer.mozilla.org/ro/docs/Web/HTML/Element/div

Thank you.

Hi @calin! This is the right place for asking questions about editing and translating on MDN Web Docs. Welcome!

The problem in this case is that the first argument of EmbedLiveSample needs to be the id of the section heading of the code you want to embed. The editor automatically sets the heading id to be the same as the heading text, with spaces replaced by underscores. Since the heading id is “Un_exemplu_simplu”, that needs to be the first argument of the macro.

The second instance of EmbedLiveSample on that page still works because the second example heading is not yet translated. That is, “A_styled_example” still matches the heading because the heading has not changed.

The Live samples article has all the details about using EmbedLiveSample.

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@jswisher Thank you a lot for your help and your kind welcome! :hugs: