Wifi devices not found

I have started with the Mozilla IoT stuff yesterday and bought a Pi 3+, a Wemo smart led bulb (without hub) and Chacon wifi smart plug. My Honeywell Lyric T6 is discovered but is asking for a PIN (8 chars), I haven’t locked my T6, what PIN do I need to enter?
Also the Wemo bulb or Chacon plug is not showing up but I can control the plug with the Chacon app. What do I need to do extra? I have added several addons, HomeKit, Wemo, … Do I need the Wemo hub also?

The pin would be the homekit pin printed on the device.

thanks, that’s working now (I tried that already but apparently did something wrong)

As far as I know, we don’t have any add-ons to control the Chacon plug.

When you say Wemo bulb, what are you talking about exactly? I’ve never seen an official wifi Wemo bulb. I found a Zigbee-based one… Is that what you have? If so, you’ll need the Zigbee adapter and a dongle.

ok thanks, I supposed that the Wemo bulb was a wifi one because it’s listed in the wifi section on https://github.com/mozilla-iot/wiki/wiki/Supported-Hardware.
I see on the bulb box that there is indeed a Zigbee logo, so I will go for the Zigbee dongle. Concerning wifi devices (like the Chacon plug), I supposed they work out-of-the box without add-ons, is that not the case? My Honeywell Lyric is working (I don’t know via which addon…)

That supported hardware page shows which Zigbee dongles we support.

If you need help getting the Wemo bulb paired after you get the dongle, you can ping @dhylands, or post an issue to the zigbee-adapter repo.

Unfortunately, most wifi devices use entirely different protocols, so add-ons are needed for most different brands.

The Honeywell Lyric is working because you have the HomeKit add-on installed.

If it is showing Wifi device not found then perhaps you are using wrong pin and right pin is printed on homekit device.

Reboot!! Simple. Thank You

I had the same problem with wifi… thanks for the answers