Words found that violate the Mozilla conditions of use

Hi! I’m trying to port my extension from Chrome to Firefox. It makes use of Ace.js as the most convenient syntax highlighter, and AMO rejects my addon because of “words found that violate the Mozilla conditions of use”. These words found in Ace.js, but validator does not say where and what words are considered to violate the terms of use.

What ways I have to fix this problem? What words are forbidden? I also have some warnings about innerHTML and eval() in Ace.js, but I don’t think that rewriting the 3rd party library is a good idea and validator says that addon is ready to be published even with these warnings.

This extension (with 3rd party libraries) is published on GitHub.

I filed an issue to make the correction in the linter.

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I have similary issue.
After getting the notice about “Updates to Mozilla’s Add-on Policies and blocking process” I started to check my extension and I got 2 notices:

Violation of Mozilla conditions of use.

Warning: Words found that violate the Mozilla conditions of use. See https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/legal/acceptable-use/ for more details.

What are the bad lines in the files?

My extension : https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/textnotes/


Hi @gabor.shepherd.work! The validator will show that warning if you use a term that matches a term we monitor for potential abuse, regardless of context. The list of terms that get flagged can be found here: https://github.com/mozilla/addons-linter/blob/master/src/badwords.json

That warning will not prevent you from publishing or updating your extension on addons.mozilla.org (AMO), though we will remove your extension from AMO if we find that it does not comply with Mozilla’s Conditions of Use.


Thanks for your reply!

I found the name of “Tobias Reich” is not good according to badwords.json file
because of the forbidden “reich” word.

He is the writer of basicContext package I use.

What should I do to solve this problem?

Kind regards,

As Caitlin said, you can safely ignore the warning if you are not violating the conditions of use. It’s a warning and not an error for a reason.

BTW I have the same totally silly “problem”. My emoji picker add-on uses a library called emoji-mart:

I thought it could confuse mart with fart or so. Or maybe it found one of the emoji terms used in the source code offensive?
I don’t know…

That badwords file does not seem to exist anymore… :thinking:

See https://github.com/mozilla/addons-linter/issues/2591 - this check is likely soon gone once AMO bumps the linter version.

I’m following up with the team on this. We did make the decision to remove the “bad words” list because it was throwing too many false positives, so feel free to ignore these warnings.

We confirmed that AMO is using the most current version of the linter and that the bad words list is no longer in use.

@rugkx, we’re investigating what caused your add-on to trigger the Conditions of Use warning.

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Okay, great. My screenshot was of a few weeks old upload. I just uploaded a new add-on version and it was not triggered anymore, so it all works. :blush: